Tigra not getting unstoppable with muscle wizard

@kabam can yall tell me why she isn't ever getting unstoppable in 7.3.1 muscle wizard?


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  • horrendous_toohorrendous_too Member Posts: 254 ★★★
    To follow up, Tigra's neutralize stops any buff that the defender procs, even ones that would be on you. Basically any nodes that say you gain a buff are actually through the defender so things like rising sun or icarus will also be stopped by neutralize.
  • GeneralNappaGeneralNappa Member Posts: 102
    Just bumping this for the horrendous game design, my alts 6*s consist of Hood, Tigra and Doom all of which most of the time are not getting unstoppable.
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    But I get unstoppable if there is fate seal applied with other champs.
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    Plus....they only proc an unstoppable if there is an unblockable on them.
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    It's pretty simple. Mystic knocks down opponent....mystic gets unstoppable.
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    No other stipulations are stated.
  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,642 ★★★★★
    Nodes are affected by ability accuracy reduction, even the parts that benefit the attacker. Tigra reduces buff ability accuracy by 100% so any buff that would trigger from a node (unstoppable from muscle wizard) won’t trigger.
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    If that were true then sometimes they wouldn't proc the unstoppables or the unblockable due to pacify mastery. That is not the case
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    I will test it now and try with AA and with crossbones
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    With 11 furies on crossbones they still go unstoppable and unblockable.
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    With AA it was sporadic
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    Also with the Champion Luke cage synergy that says the champion is unstoppable when using medium and light attacks is not bypassing the attack reduction that states the attacker must be unstoppable.
  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,642 ★★★★★
    edited August 2022

    If that were true then sometimes they wouldn't proc the unstoppables or the unblockable due to pacify mastery. That is not the case

    Pacify doesn’t shut down everything. It’s like a 30% chance at max rank while the opponent is stunned.

    As for the riot node, crossbones only reduces defensive ability accuracy, and the buff switch occurs after the special/heavy attack. This means that his DAAR has no affect on the unstoppable/unblockable.

    As far as the champion synergy goes my guess is that can’t stop won’t stop is coded so it only accounts for unstoppable passives and buffs, but I agree that the champion should bypass the damage reduction
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    I'm also seeing that AA is not purifying the debuffs in act 7.3.3 acclimation node. I would really like input on these situations from @kabam I can't wrap my head around the idea that effects that are beneficial to you would be considered an enemies ability. If that is the case and it's because of a node I really feel like all abilities of the node should be shared by both champs.
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    I guess the reason I can't wrap my head around it is because of the node effe ta are abilities then a node such as power shield should be nulled when AA has placed enough toxins to reduce accuracy to 0.
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    With crossbones...would damage reduction unless unstoppable be considered defensive?
  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,642 ★★★★★
    As far as “some nodes benefit the attacker, how can those be enemy abilities?” Take Ebony maw’s sp1 for example. It gives you a fury (albeit granting you no extra attack). A fury in a vacuum is a beneficial effect right? But if you reduce maw’s ability accuracy there’s a chance that fury isn’t applied to you. It doesn’t matter whether or not the node benefits you, it’ll be susceptible to AAR.

    And as far as power shield I don’t have a great explanation for that. Kabam may need to be more liberal with their use of “this is not affected by AAR”
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    OK..so I keep running into this and it makes no sense at all to me. Act 7.3.3. Acclimation path again. Using Apoc. Total molecular control states that OPPONENTS suffer 100% purify ability accuracy reduction. The node states that every 5 hits mutant ATTACKERS purify all bleed poison and coldsnap debuffs. The attacker is not the opponent and Apoc ability only affects the opponent...not himself. @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra. Can somebody in @kabam please explain this
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    Maws fury is an ability that is produced by Maw. It's not an effect caused by an action the attacker performs. And no...a buff that does absolutely nothing except provide your opponent a way to inflict damage is not beneficial.
  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,642 ★★★★★

    Maws fury is an ability that is produced by Maw. It's not an effect caused by an action the attacker performs. And no...a buff that does absolutely nothing except provide your opponent a way to inflict damage is not beneficial.

    And nodes are coded as abilities produced by the defender and therefore susceptible to AAR. And I’m not saying maw’s fury is beneficial to you, but it’s a fury buff. If maw was on a node that said “gain a 100% fury when you reach a bar of power” or something like that, that node would be considered maw’s ability. But if you reduce his AAR by 100% then that fury from the node won’t trigger.
  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,642 ★★★★★

    OK..so I keep running into this and it makes no sense at all to me. Act 7.3.3. Acclimation path again. Using Apoc. Total molecular control states that OPPONENTS suffer 100% purify ability accuracy reduction. The node states that every 5 hits mutant ATTACKERS purify all bleed poison and coldsnap debuffs. The attacker is not the opponent and Apoc ability only affects the opponent...not himself. @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra. Can somebody in @kabam please explain this

    The node states that every 5 hits mutant attackers purify debuffs. As a node, it’s an ability linked to the defender. So the defender is essentially purifying the debuffs for you, but since Apoc is reducing their purify ability accuracy, they won’t be able to purify debuffs. Not off them nor off you.
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    Then the rest of the node should be completed null with 6 Nero toxins from AA
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    All nodes
  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,642 ★★★★★

    Then the rest of the node should be completed null with 6 Nero toxins from AA

    No because power shield isn’t susceptible to AAR. It’s a simple value change via node. Those aren’t affected by AAR. The enhanced power drain is also a simple value buff. AA should only turn off acclimation, triple threat, and use it or lose it.
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    That makes no sense. Everything is an ability.
  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,642 ★★★★★

    That makes no sense. Everything is an ability.

    But some things aren’t affected by AAR. This is where I say Kabam should be VERY liberal with their use of the phrase “not affected by ability accuracy reduction.”
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    Basically...if YOU knock the opponent down as a mystic....YOU gain an unstoppable buff. Or if YOU land 5 hits as a mutant YOU purify YOUR debuffs. With all those "YOU"'S that should not be affected by AAR on the person who is not YOU
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    Plus...there is no x% chance stated which to me means definjte
  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,642 ★★★★★
    The wording is written as such to be concise. The way is game is coded is that when you knock the defender down, they give you an unstoppable buff. Just like Ebony Maw’s sp1. And even if there’s no % chance stated, it doesn’t mean it’s not susceptible to AAR. I’m not saying it’s easy to understand or the most intuitive, but you aren’t the first person to ask these questions. They’ve been answered though and I’m providing you with the answers
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