AQ ticket Cost out of balance

I am currently in an Alliance that runs AQ 8X5. I enjoy playing the more challenging AQ maps and want to continue doing it. My dilemma is that with the current Cost to play it-i feel as though i am hurting my ability to grow my account. Gold has become a pain point for my account as I have 6 R4's and 44 R3's. Ranking these champs up has drained my gold and i would like to continue ranking up more niche champs to R3 especially with BG becoming more permanent. With Loyalty being more valuable with the addition of the store it's hard to justify spending it on alliance tickets. Which leaves units and Gold to play AQ. The gap in rewards between playing map 6 and map 8 is very minor and less valuable to me than the Gold/units. It just doesn't feel great to be spending resources to play harder content and instead of feeling rewarded for the effort i actually feel penalized.
I am wondering if others are feeling this way and if Kabam has taken a recent look at the discrepancy. We finish top 120 in my Ally and if i dropped down to map 6 i could still easily be top 800 and the rewards difference is practically nothing. The increase in T5CC, T5B, and T2A in side events and monthly event quest were great and welcome changes. But they have created a balance issue with the cost of AQ tickets and the rewards associated with playing higher tier AQ. I don't spend items in map 8 so that's not a concern for me-it's really just the cost of the tickets. I am fine with them existing and being part of the game but if they are going to be there the rewards need to be worth it. And right now if my goal is to continue to grow my account-I'm better off playing map 6.
I am wondering if others are feeling this way and if Kabam has taken a recent look at the discrepancy. We finish top 120 in my Ally and if i dropped down to map 6 i could still easily be top 800 and the rewards difference is practically nothing. The increase in T5CC, T5B, and T2A in side events and monthly event quest were great and welcome changes. But they have created a balance issue with the cost of AQ tickets and the rewards associated with playing higher tier AQ. I don't spend items in map 8 so that's not a concern for me-it's really just the cost of the tickets. I am fine with them existing and being part of the game but if they are going to be there the rewards need to be worth it. And right now if my goal is to continue to grow my account-I'm better off playing map 6.
Run the numbers on that and you learn a few things.
1) if you spend any resources for AQ (healing items, I mean) you’ve basically come out behind.
2) you’re absolutely right that the loyalty store changes this calculation. Gold hoarders and arena grinders are the ones who can feel best here.
3) I run map 5 in a 665 group. We hit about 390mil just screwing around every week. I get 4600 glory and 3 t4cc. If you’re having to buy t4cc, 3 will cost you 900 glory. You don’t make that up elsewhere, either.
I realize ally prestige makes a difference in scores as well (we're pretty big at about 62 million ally rating and 11761 day 1 prestige) but almost seems like, why even run any higher map than absolutely necessary to get the best amount of glory if the gaps is so big?
Going back to OP's point, I absolutely see his view if he's getting not much more glory for the cost. I will say though, the map 8 crystals and chance for the R4 materials with rank rewards is something I have no chance of getting while running map 6. As those become more available in game though, the AQ rewards do need updates to make it worth the same effort.
The mini accounts that I’m going to abandon because of the terrible gifting nonsense…they’re TB and Cav. They run map 4 in a 554, score around 190mil and still get more than 4000 glory for doing it. So…why bother?
I say that specifically as someone who needs time and mental space to explore act 7 (30-35 paths left.)
Wow. I don't know how I never put that together. We could be doing map 5 with no mods and get the same glory. Just lose 2 crystals that sometimes don't come anyway if we complete cut don't explore cause someone is missing in action.
Meanwhile I have over 5 million loyalty and I’ll be paragon when the next EoP ends. Then I’ll just stockpile AGs one per war season until my loyalty is gone.