Preview on act 4 shows way lower power than the fight

When I go to any level in act 4 the preview shows 3k to 4K power on opponents but when you start the fight some of them are 15k to 20k. No one else I play with has seen that at that level so I have no help figuring it out and I can’t advance to get better items to make my guys more powerful. Anybody else seeing this?


  • DoosraDoosra Member Posts: 360 ★★★
    This will be fixed in next update
  • JericodmJericodm Member Posts: 2
    Do they know when that is?
  • DoosraDoosra Member Posts: 360 ★★★
    Read the next month notes
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,761 Guardian
    Thought this original issue was because of showing Preview PI from lower difficult quests while looking at higher difficulty ones (monthly EQ or side quests).
    Though maybe it is just not including the global/local node boosts into the PI shown on Preview.

    As to that Magneto, yes, he is one of a few non-boss champs in ACT-4 which are super-boosted, so his 15,970 is correct. (* although not nearly as boosted as what they were when ACT-4 first came out years ago, notable a particular Juggernaut).

    Regen’ing Magneto, in particular, is one that you will want to plan for before taking that path.
  • Dash855Dash855 Member Posts: 239
    This is a problem with every quest. I'm pretty sure what's happening is that it is not including extra PI champs get from nodes. According to @Doosra this will be fixed in the next update.
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