Preview on act 4 shows way lower power than the fight

When I go to any level in act 4 the preview shows 3k to 4K power on opponents but when you start the fight some of them are 15k to 20k. No one else I play with has seen that at that level so I have no help figuring it out and I can’t advance to get better items to make my guys more powerful. Anybody else seeing this?

Though maybe it is just not including the global/local node boosts into the PI shown on Preview.
As to that Magneto, yes, he is one of a few non-boss champs in ACT-4 which are super-boosted, so his 15,970 is correct. (* although not nearly as boosted as what they were when ACT-4 first came out years ago, notable a particular Juggernaut).
Regen’ing Magneto, in particular, is one that you will want to plan for before taking that path.