Who to rank up now and thoughts on an unduped 6* hercules

SPARTAN0078SPARTAN0078 Member Posts: 95
edited September 2022 in Strategy and Tips
So yeah guys back to the game and currently at 7.3 completion , 1.1 mil rating and 10600 prestige , soo yeah r5ed my ghost sig 100 now , also took 6* Diablo to r3 , pulled kitty as a 5* so she’s going up to r4 for sure as I have the rank up gems , pulled herc as a 6* and also black cat , already have a herc 5* sig 200 but a 6* is a 6* at the end of the day , planning on r3 I guess him.

Thoughts and other opinions appreciated and welcomed 🤙🏻🤙🏻

Post edited by Kabam Habanero on


  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,230 ★★★★★
    Hercules, guardian, and ultron are all worthy of a rankup. Shehulk and Peni are in consideration too, but I know nothing about black cat. I know CCP players like her
  • SPARTAN0078SPARTAN0078 Member Posts: 95
    edited September 2022
    Lpoo said:

    Hercules, guardian, and ultron are all worthy of a rankup. Shehulk and Peni are in consideration too, but I know nothing about black cat. I know CCP players like her

    Umm guardian as I heard necessarily needs his dupe for max utility and bleed immunity, however herc on the other hand doesn’t and still cheat death can be unlocked by putting in an awakening gem and slowly building over time , so thoughts

    Plus also pulled the 5* Magik have her as a 4* max sig and I liked that ability, not having too many mystics at least good ones should I throw in a mystic ag and also 100 mystic stones
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    80% of Hercules's value comes from his awakened ability. Without that he hits pretty hard and can counter evade and auto block but nothing special.
  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,230 ★★★★★
    Yes, guardian needs high sig for his great utility, but his damage is untouched by his sig. He still parries non contact attacks and pretty reliably crushes the tech cav eq. Obviously herc is better, but guardian is an option

    Magik is great. It’s too bad she’s not a 6* yet, but she can do some good things
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★
    Guardian herc and black cat are really op. I have seen a lot of lately posted black cat vids, and herc is really good for 90% content, yet i suggest guardian ;)

    i remember once u challenged me on duping 6 star herc because i was trolling and flexing mine,i can do it once more lmao
  • SPARTAN0078SPARTAN0078 Member Posts: 95

    Guardian herc and black cat are really op. I have seen a lot of lately posted black cat vids, and herc is really good for 90% content, yet i suggest guardian ;)

    i remember once u challenged me on duping 6 star herc because i was trolling and flexing mine,i can do it once more lmao
    Go ahaead 😂
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