Gauntlet team advice (No Hercules)

TheAngryOneTheAngryOne Member Posts: 501 ★★★
edited August 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Hello everyone,

I just finished act 7 exploration and would like to take on Grandmaster Gauntlet next.

I am thinking of going in with 6* Kitty Pryde (R3 unawakened but could R4 and awaken her which I probably will do) and 5* Tigra (synergy).

So my question is who else would you pick? I didn't really find any info on how many Gauntlet fights Kitty can do on her own.

Apart from Kitty and Tigra I was thinking of 3 out of the following champs:

6* R3 Apocalypse
6* R3 awakened Archangel
6* R3 awakened Human Torch
6* R3 awakened Nimrod
6* R2 awakened Magneto (R3 possible)

Other options are:

6* R3 awakened Doom
6* R3 awakened Prof X
6* R3 awakened Corvus
6* R3 awakened Shang-Chi

I also got a 5* R5 Quake and Ghost (sig 200) but I don't have the patience and probably would slip up quaking that many fights with those large health pools.

Anyway which champs out of those would make the best team?

Or is it better to wait for a 5* (rather a 6*) Hercules (who I could awaken once I pull him)?

Appreciate any constructive feedback so thank you in advance. 🙂
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on


  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    40 revives and 250 ish 4 hour crystals and you could do it with kitty & co, going by other recent runs.

    That was my tally, or thereabouts, with 5/65 sig 200 aegon, prox and Heimdall this second time around (used aegon last time without Heimdall and it's not optimal...).

    Kitty, AA, nimrod, apoc, torch, should get through most things in there.

    Could even go large on mutants if you don't run suicides and have points in despair. AA, apoc, profx, Mags, kitty.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,675 ★★★★★
    My team was Kitty, Tigra, Nimrod, Apoc, and Overseer. Really the only problem fights for me were Spider-Ham and Mojo. Apoc probably could have handled the fights I used Overseer for if you don’t have him available. Archangel would be good for that spot as well.
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    edited August 2022
    You have enough good champs, I would look up KT1's Gauntlet spreadsheet and just look individually at each fight and see who you have that works as a counter for each, then synthesize into a functional team.

    Edit: Herc is 100% not needed and there are plenty of good teams that actually play to the nodes instead of brute-force their way through (not to discount brute force, but to give another perspective).
  • Gogeta91199Gogeta91199 Member Posts: 990 ★★★★🥳#latest

    You can check my forum post. I used the team kitty, tigra,ghost, apoc and cable.

    I’ll suggest take definitely take apoc he’s a beast for the content. Others as u already mentioned kitty , tigra ghost and AA
  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,227 ★★★★★
    I’d def awaken Kitty anyway
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    I brought red mags, warlock, kitty, Apoc, human torch. With that team I only used kitty once for terrax. But she won’t work for you if she’s not awakened. Apoc does 80% of the fights
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,438 ★★★★★
    I brought Red Mags with Herc, Apoc, AA, and Cable (synergy and clean up).

    Red Mags did minimal work for me. Apoc and Herc were heavy lifters, with AA next.

    While you don’t have Herc, you may be better off clearing Red Mags and making room for another champ there.

    Dr. Zola
  • K00shMaanK00shMaan Member Posts: 1,289 ★★★★
    Definitely bring Apoc and AA. They are fantastic. I think Kitty can be a good substitute for Herc but you might want her awakened. I think the 3 of them can handle every fight. Maybe add Tigra and Heimdall as synergies to reduce item cost.
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    My team was Aegon (MVP), Archangel,warlock,Proxima,Quake. Honestly kitty pryde at rank 4 and magneto can do 90% of the fights
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    Your First 3 cores should be kitty, Magneto and archangel. Then can play around with the two spots maybe an evade counter or hemidall and tigra
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    I used APOC for spider ham and every evader. He worked great for those. Quake really wasn't that bad. I used her for Doom, Vision, BP, Thing and Korg primarily. Also used her a little for Modok and most of Sassy. And if you're bringing in Mags, then just use him for vision to save some thumb skin.

    I don't have HERC, Kitty or Tigra and didn't feel like Aegon was the way to go for this. After watching some videos and checking this site out:

    My team ended up being:
    6* R4 Apoc (unduped) - Spider ham, Modok clean up from Quake slip up, Night Crawler, Domino, Spider-Gwen, Apoc and help with Fury after he was in decoy and Cable had died.
    5* Quake (duped) - Dr. Doom, Vision, Modok, Korg, Thing, Black Panther
    6* R2 Magneto (unduped) - Vision, Mojo, Weapon X, Dragon Man
    5* Hulk Rags (duped low sig) - terrax, ibom (long fight)
    6* R3 Cable - NF, Killmonger, Void (made all of these very easy)

    Mojo was a bit of a pain because It was not a solo with Magneto or even a 2fer. In fact, it was more like 10 L1 revives because once he got to 5 charges, it was just guaranteed death, revive with an L1 and repeat, but he still did big damage each time and prevented the scary healing so there was no real risk.

    Sassy was my scary moment. I quaked him down easily, but could not get the timing right to finish him off and went into panic mode. After nearly throwing in the towel, I watched a video where an APOC finished it up, so I boosted APOC up and he finished the fight off easily with his big damage and SP2 limiting the healing - if you go this route, makes sure he has all 4 charges. I would have saved several revives had I used him to finish this sooner.

    My other pain point was ibom, just because 5* Hulk rags was so slow, but he was my only good option for Terrax and he was fun for the final phase of the Thanos (being an Avenger and only taking 10% damage from Sp3).

    As long as you have an option for every planned fight and the revives in stash or units to get them, you should be fine. Yeah, MSD and others are soloing every fight, but I am no where on their level and this team was still a reasonable way to get it done with no units (although I had many revives in stash saved up, I could have used more potions to limit the need to use as many).
  • TheAngryOneTheAngryOne Member Posts: 501 ★★★
    Finished Gauntlet yesterday.

    Short summary:

    Contrary to title name I used Hercules 😅

    I awakened my 5* Hercules via generic awakening gem from SQ and maxed him out (R5 sig 200). I decided to take him instead of Kitty (she's awakened and R4 anyway).

    Rest of the team:
    Apocalypse, Magneto (red), Archangel and Nimrod.

    Think I spent about 20 revives and health pots in total (all from inventory). Was a better run than I expected.

    Rewards from 3x 6* and 1x 6* Nexus were:

    Red Guardian (new)
    Hawkeye (dupe 60)
    Namor (awakening)
    Squirrel Girl (new; from Nexus; other 2 choices were Mysterio Dupe 40 or awakening classic Black Panther).

    Decided to pick Squirrel Girl because you can never go wrong with a new champ and she's a good option for one of the Carina Challenges (act 6 Medusa boss "do you bleed" node).

    Thanks again everyone for your input. Finding the right team was key which I think I did with your help.

    Have a nice day everyone. 😊
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  • TheAngryOneTheAngryOne Member Posts: 501 ★★★
    Nice job on the run. Btw that Carina challenge only allows 5* so that 6* squirrel girl won't be useful for you. I had to do that one twice cause first run,I brought a 6* yellow jacket. Wasn't fun tbh.

    OMG yes you are right 🙈 Thanks for the reminder 😅 Then I at least have a new champ as 6* version 🙂

  • TheAngryOneTheAngryOne Member Posts: 501 ★★★

    Nice job on the run. Btw that Carina challenge only allows 5* so that 6* squirrel girl won't be useful for you. I had to do that one twice cause first run,I brought a 6* yellow jacket. Wasn't fun tbh.

    OMG yes you are right 🙈 Thanks for the reminder 😅 Then I at least have a new champ as 6* version 🙂

    Upper part of my comment there was meant as a quote btw. Somehow i managed to mess up. I should have stayed in bed it seems.🙃
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