Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

14k prestige 7 yr player looking for map 5

Looking to leave map8 alliance, waste of resources for me as I need R4 materials. I still want to get glory from AQ and loyalty from AW so I’m not going to go solo lol


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    Amish666Amish666 Posts: 22
    We do map5 for easy glory.
    Plat4 AW. We ways try and do our best with low deaths. But no line required so we don't hassle people as long as they help out and be active.
    Spot will be opening up today
    Sent you a friend request in game.
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    DdvgDdvg Posts: 25
    We're an active adult alliance
    LF 4-5 map 5 loyal experience players.
    We are gold 2 but pushing g1 o p4 this season
    Must be at least 10.5k +
    We know life, job, family first game 2nd but still get the work done in game
    Line:datdamnblkguy o datcoolblkguy
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    Have u found a home yet? We run 5x5 and g2 wars. I need to replace a couple that won't join, so time to find replacements.
    Alliance: UNDFT
    LINE: Dustorm82
    IGN: DustyB
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    HammerGod3HammerGod3 Posts: 43
    If you’re still looking, hit me up. We do things a little different to get great rewards with really low stress and item use.
    IGN same as here.
    Discord: HammerGod3#2442
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    OnkyOnky Posts: 334
    I have a spot, gold 2, map 5 epic mods for 300 mil. Relaxed group, no drama
    Onky707 line id
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    3xad3m3xad3m Posts: 91
    Hi, we are tier2 Plat2 and map 5 only. We need a member asap. Added you in game. My ID is 3xad3m (game and Line)
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