He timed out and kept his health instead of losing half or all the remaining like the other places in the game.
I finished/won the fight, he didn't and I still lost...
This mode is cursed, doesn't require/reward skill, pay wall to fight in the high level... Worst than arenas... I give up, I'm not putting my money and time in this anymore...
He timed out and kept his health instead of losing half or all the remaining like the other places in the game.
I finished/won the fight, he didn't and I still lost...
This mode is cursed, doesn't require/reward skill, pay wall to fight in the high level... Worst than arenas... I give up, I'm not putting my money and time in this anymore...
He timed out but he almost killed the champ with a sizeable health bar.
You didn't time out but you almost did only winning by 2 seconds and losing more than half of your health.
I finished/won the fight, he didn't and I still lost...
This mode is cursed, doesn't require/reward skill, pay wall to fight in the high level... Worst than arenas... I give up, I'm not putting my money and time in this anymore...
You didn't time out but you almost did only winning by 2 seconds and losing more than half of your health.
It's a clear win for your opponent.