CapIW - Use Generic Sig Stones or Not

i recently managed to duplicate my 6* CapIW from 8.1 completion rewards. very happy with the pull and he will be ranked highly in the future for sure. in celebration i have taken him to sig80 using my science stones. now the question arises over whether it is worth using the rest of my generic stash to get him to sig180 (with the view to sig200 in the upcoming months and worst case using the deals during cyber weekend). there are few champs like CapIW who realistically need to be sig200, so im pretty willing to use the stones: all i need is some reassurance in the form of others having the line of thought. attached below will be my 6* roster so other options if found can be suggested. many thanks all

CapIW - Use Generic Sig Stones or Not 38 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
Do you see yourself using cap to clear content?
If so, you'll want guaranteed and reliable utility. There exists only one way to achieve that.
If you do not see yourself using him to clear future content than what will his potential utility do for you?
Only you can really answer this question. If you see a use and will use him... go for it otherwise...why?
thanks everyone for the help. choice made and no regrets
Hope you find him more useful than I do, can't say I don't have a little regret.
I'm personally thinking about taking him to r3, awakening him with the Science gem I got from 8.1, and then pumping him full of sigs. That way, he'll be there for all of the champions in my roster that benefit from having him on the team: Sam Wilson, Punisher 2099, OG Storm (+ all other mutants with their synergy), Sersi and Venompool. Plus a bunch of champions that I don't have yet, like the above-mentioned Hercules.