NEW 16.1 bug

Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
Hey @Kabam Miike I just discovered a bug where block didn’t register against superior fist in uncollected eq chapter 2 quest 1, I’m on iOS 11 and the bug happened with multiple champs


  • VigotheCarpathianVigotheCarpathian Member Posts: 33
    I got sp 1s not triggering efects that are 100% chance like stun on Kang sp1 and Iceman's coldsnap on sp1. Master mode in the Modok hotel against the hard to get version of Ultron for the Iceman. And don know who i fought with kang but it was heroic mode of the hotel and ther was no ability reduced happening in any way and should have stunned with the sp1 from Kang but didn't.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,853 ★★★★★
    I've been getting 0 blocks or evades when specials being used resulting me dying
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    LoL turn off autofight!
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    WE don’t have Avebury auto fight on
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
  • TrasportervwTrasportervw Member Posts: 1
    Il gioco va in crash , quando inizio a giocare , cosa devo fare ?
  • AliabAliab Member Posts: 138
    When did this happen in the fight with superior fist? At below 25% health all his attacks are unblockable
  • beaupoembeaupoem Member Posts: 443
    Aliab wrote: »
    When did this happen in the fight with superior fist? At below 25% health all his attacks are unblockable

    @Aliab is that a node effect?
  • LightvayneLightvayne Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    Yes it is. So it is not a bug, it is a node effect

    You guys need to learn to read your nodes before coming here and crying wolf :P
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,811 ★★★★★
    Block isn’t working properly, timing is off, parry is messed up again. Same **** every time a new update comes out.

    That node is "when under 25% health, all attacks are unblockable. Get all the information before you jump to "game is always broken" excuse for your mistakes.
  • NemesioNemesio Member Posts: 134
    Lightvayne wrote: »
    Yes it is. So it is not a bug, it is a node effect

    You guys need to learn to read your nodes before coming here and crying wolf :P

    Parry is indeed broken on thor ragnarok and medusa as far as i know
  • VigotheCarpathianVigotheCarpathian Member Posts: 33
    Ok last day of AQ map5 fighting the ironman tier 2 left side with my crossbones. Now everything is going decent enough and i have a good stack of 7 fury ready to nullify his regen when he gets it when his health drops low enough and moment of truth , and it doesn't stop his ability accuracy. With 7 fury stacks, at 22% lower abilty accuracy per stack,(i thought it used to be 25%, not that it matters much, but still) it should have without question stopped his regeneration , like it has before every time i have done the fight,And have made sure i have the fury stacks before his health gets to low not after. This is wrong, got me ko'ed when he should have been ko'ed but no apparently i dont know the difference between normal gameplay and bugs and glitches according to some on these forums . I'm pretty sure i do.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Haha @VigotheCarpathian there are some on this forum who's initial response to almost every bug report is that they don't know the difference, tbh they definitely aren't always wrong, but I can't remember many legitimate bug reports where the person isn't accused of not knowing
  • ViciousJViciousJ Member Posts: 256
    Nothing is fixed with parry still **** ..
    But thanks for fixing the issue where spider Gwen went off screen while sp2 .. this would help so much
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,853 ★★★★★
    I was fighting modok in uncollected when he had 70% not 25% facts the blocking and evade timing is off
  • Cjcarpenter92Cjcarpenter92 Member Posts: 4
    A bug in a q the game dont let me log on to the fights in fight i been lost connentin alot on a q today in on areas too the new update mess me up alot on a qs today it bug fix in please can yall fix it
  • ssminowjohnsonssminowjohnson Member Posts: 6
    Keep getting error screen since new update can do everything but cant fight on anything
  • BlackScorpion78BlackScorpion78 Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2017
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Block isn’t working properly, timing is off, parry is messed up again. Same **** every time a new update comes out.

    That node is "when under 25% health, all attacks are unblockable. Get all the information before you jump to "game is always broken" excuse for your mistakes.

    But it is. Parry and block timings have changed, and I'm not talking about that fight. Talking in arenas and other fights (without effects) in modok's hotel. Maybe you should read Demonsfyre post before jumping and say "get all the information". He said that here but didnt mentioned that the problem was in that fight, did he?
    Maybe you should try a few fights in arenas and see for yourself.
  • RedRoosterRedRooster Member Posts: 337 ★★
    Having lots of issues with block detection since the 16.1

    Holding block and I can see my champs fists raised. The enemy is hitting straight through my block. Getting killed in AQ and MODOK's Lab. Since the update, I have lost the "skill" to hold my finger on the screen.

    iOS 11.1.2
    iPhone 6s
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  • delbimdelbim Member Posts: 8
    I notice they nerfed iceman also. Iceman takes permanent ice armour after his sp3, I was confidently fighting against hyperion...I did my sp3...then i used iceman's sp2 and the ice armour shattered. It wasn't supposed to be shattered by anything cos its permanent after sp3. Is it a bug or nerf?
  • _noyes_noyes Member Posts: 51
    @delbim Please read his abilities in game, doesn't say anything about ice armor being permanent. He reforms armor after L3, that is all.
  • cowgirlup80cowgirlup80 Member Posts: 112
    edited December 2017
    I have found a legitimate (seems to be arena specific only) bug with Ant Man. Fighting him in the Featured Arena, he gained a stack of 3 Unstoppables after his SP 1. These lasted for a combined total of 6 seconds ultimately resulting in my Spider-Man (Miles Morales) being KO'd. It happened to me earlier today with another Ant Man but that one only had 1 Unstoppable and it dropped in 1 second.
    I thought it might be someone using the Unfazed mastery, but it didn't happen with any other fight in the set. Only the Ant Man fight popped the Unstoppable.
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