Which Science to R3?

SuelGamesSuelGames Member Posts: 947 ★★★
edited October 2022 in Strategy and Tips

Im leaning towards SpiderHam, but i heard Miles is great for Come out to Play Abyss Carina Challenge, can anyone confirm that? Also just dupped The Thing and didnt use him offensivelly yet, only as defender in BGs

Never used Overseer tbh just dupped him recently

Unpopular opinion: I hate Mr fantastic :/

Which Science to R3? 49 votes

MoosetiptronicOrtoun 2 votes
TeddersPikoluStoneyThePoneyLuke9523abelardoRice_riceSuelGamesVVDoom 8 votes
Immortal Abomination
zuffyRagnarok13DragonMCOCRayhanIshaquepseudosaneyuwLiquidkoldAleorJimmyBFlashingfistEinfachSoEwell65SSS69Dfour24MasterzxProShenkSparty6Farrukh_tvCrcrcrcMCOC_JCMSmallTimeANT 24 votes
The Thing
Spity68BatarangStellarBen_15455 4 votes
Repto23Logan00RockyshockyXguard77Nalak8Licky13579rebel_ChiefhobKlipp 9 votes
RakeYoung 1 vote
Other: ?
Iamant1 1 vote
Post edited by Kabam Dijon on


  • Iamant1Iamant1 Member Posts: 173
    Other: ?
    Iron Patriot the new science version 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • BlôdletterBlôdletter Member Posts: 444 ★★★
    You will hate me, but imo Fantastic is the best choice there, if you dont run suicides
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,103 ★★★★★
    Immortal Abomination
    Aol objective is not worth resources required, don't rank a champ just for it, and iirc miles only good for Luke.
    Ibom is the most versatile and can be used everywhere except aol.
    Mr4 is a good champ, but I never use mine (he's r3, I believe). Why? Because activating his pre fight is sooooooooo tedious.
    Some people like overseer, but I'm not a fan. He's good for bgs for sure, but I believe higher sig is required
    Ham is pretty good, a solid option to go if you like him
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,812 ★★★★★
    I see no Scorpigod I see no spider man 2099

    But I see overseer
  • TeddersTedders Member Posts: 142 ★★
    I r3d my Ham on a whim a while back but i am surprised how often i use him
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