why even have champs in them
Ive opened 60 thronebreaker daily crystals and have yet to pull a single champion. Its always frag pieces so question is why have champs i there just call it what ut really is daily frag crystal of [poop] we dont need. Before you claim RNG illntell you thats [doodie] to many people are experiencing same. also where is the drop rate info?? What are you really hidding??
Second, I've pulled eight 5* champs out of 579 Thronebreaker daily crystals, which is about one out of every 72. This suggests a drop rate of about one percent. Sure, it could be 1.38%, but I think it is more likely the devs made it 1% which is well within the margin for error for a sample size this small (and that sample size is not getting any larger, as I've moved on to Paragon daily crystals). But even if we assume I hit the bullseye and the drop rate is in fact one in 72, this means a player who opens 60 daily TB crystals has a 57% chance of landing at least one (if it was 1% as I suspect, the odds would be 45% of landing at least one).
Either way, it is basically even odds that you would either get a 5* champion drop or not after 60 crystals.
This was my final drop numbers for the TB daily crystal:
The percentage of Thronebreaker players that didn't need any of that stuff is probably very low. In fact ironically, as a TB player the thing I needed the least from the daily crystal drops were the 5* champion drops, although I was still happy to get them.
Since being Paragon, I've pulled 4 6*'s.