A bit nervous

Hi guys! I hope everyone is having a fine day. I need a little suggestion.
I am going to take superior Kang boss, a little nervous though. Have 2500 units and few revives as backup. Should I pick iBom for choice node or I am also thinking Odin. (Ref: MCOCNOOB)
As always, thanks for your suggestion and tips!

I am going to take superior Kang boss, a little nervous though. Have 2500 units and few revives as backup. Should I pick iBom for choice node or I am also thinking Odin. (Ref: MCOCNOOB)
As always, thanks for your suggestion and tips!

P.S If you are running suicides, I believe Kang can completely shut down the healing from it so your HT will prob die really quick so if you are running suicide, Ultron is your only bet. If not ignore this.
But ye that is really all there is to it. Good Luck with your fight.
Need your suggestions for next rank up
Should I awaken him and take him to r3 or wait for Hercules or CGR? I have all 3 of them 5* r5. Plus I have Knull.
Thanks again for your kind suggestions @NIOBBB
PS: I got Angela, GHulk and Invisible woman from basic.
As for waiting for Hercules or CGR, first off, CGR doesn't really need his awakened ability (just a nice bonus). For Hercules, with the increasing number of awakening gems in story quest (act 8.2-8.4 should also have them as base rewards) and side quest/incursions/loyalty store, I don't really think that it is necessary to save it. Again, congrats on beating Kang and your pulls.
Thanks again, Have a nice day!