How would you rate the state of the game as of Nov 2022

How would you rate the overall current state of MCOC as of today?
Please share your specific likes/dislikes and other thoughts in the comments below!
Please share your specific likes/dislikes and other thoughts in the comments below!
How would you rate the state of the game as of Nov 2022 192 votes
new content/modes=yay
broken content for more than half its run time and cheaters=boo
nice rewards=yay
rewards hidden behind RNG=boo
i could make a longer list but lord knows no one wants to hear it.
add input issues = boo
more content is yeay
paid option exploded = boo
7 year AQ falling apart = boo
New game mode and the adjustments to it are great.
Story is fun, though I’d say we’re trending towards too easy.
EOP as a year long challenge.
Upcoming 7* and relics are exciting for me.
The game is trending upwards to me even despite the input issues. While I really wish they could figure it out, everything else has been a major win this year
It's better than the state it was in half a year ago.
-BG store OP
-AW rewards nice
-EOP rewards nice (lacks couple t5b)
-Content good
-New Released Champs, never seen better consistency.
-Champion Balance turning out to be a Great Addition.
-Clean sweep every single one of current modders, not only from BGs but from other modes.
-Buff Individual war rewards. Loyalty is still lacking.
-Extended Waiting for the AQ update and outdated glory store.
-Some extremely outdated crystals needs buff.
-RNG rift...Sucks BIG time(personal opinion).
Not positive or negative...
-7* always nice to have new tools.
-Relics 'Feel' like bad for us f2p's (can't comment until its launched officially) but it will make the game more interesting.
-game getting more complex day after day lol
Overall going strong.
Cons : AI was clearly changed and is much harder to deal with. Defenders rush at you and then just as quickly become passive and they don’t throw specials, the same issue we used to have in arena, but now in all aspects of the game. Light intercepting by the defender is BS.
This is the biggest problem with the game.
Inputs are worse than ever. Beta does nothing to fix anything.
Deals are awful , especially for f2p.
Rewards for events no longer offer featured crystals
Bottom line - lots of things that help the game, but always at a cost to the players . You can never have a good thing without the bad in this game.
1) Many champions' improvement (tho it is still 50/50 for success rate as in how many improved champs are really usable for high-end content)
2) Lack of proper high end content. How many players (who are cavalier, thronebreaker and paragon) at this stage who are not even bothered about LOL and Abyss?
3) Many variety of stores selling rank up and shards. Yet:
i) Glory is cap at 15000 chips for whatever reason and not even updated for T6b and T3a fragments purchases
ii) The amount of alliance chips gained for war needs to be increase for players to b able to buy any valuable stuff from the alliance war store
4) Crystals:
i) PHC - this crystal seriously need to b updated regularly so that players can obtain new 2* champions (no, not at 100 units for new 2* champions)
ii) Alliance War Crystal should only be focused on items in the alliance war store plus alliance war boost
iii) AQ crystals should only be focused on rank up mats..but at hi
iv) Solo crystals should b focused on single player stuff, like energy refill, arena boost, content boost, class boost, units,
v) Iso should only be obtained from duping champions or from quest paths...but not in any other crystals
5) Arena
We are already having glimpses of T6c...y are there no plans for T5B, T2A, T4C, T6B, T3A, T5C arenas?
6) Masteries
Instead of relics...the below should and could have been added over the years
i) Class-based mastery
ii) Faction-based mastery
iii) Attributes-based mastery
A new game mode (battlegrounds)
Update to a new game mode (incursions)
Some quality of life changes
Updates to some rewards
Bugs and bug resolutions are still a big problem & communication re: all that is sub par to say the least . Valid bug reports get ignored sometimes and those bugs persist for months with no acknowledgment and resolution. Plus, we still have some input issue here and there.
Launch of 7* , ascension and relics. I understand the need for the game to evolve but throwing these 3 new things out there just seems like their throwing stuff at the wall and hoping something sticks. I am concerned about additional bugs related to all that and how the game will look in 12-18 months.
Modding/cheaters : I’m sorry but a single employee to combat game wide cheating doesn’t fill me with confidence. What about all those accounts who’ve already modded the abyss and various other game modes?
+ There’s a variety of game modes on offer
+ decent social side, albeit with the aid of forums/3rd party apps
+ Being F2P isn’t a total drag like it is in a lot of games.
+ P2P isn’t P2W
+ it’s actually fun to play
+ Complex without requiring a degree
The only real minus is the input issues and at times the lack of communication with player base.
In all seriousness, it’s very hard to judge without knowing what 7-stars will scale like compared to 6 stars. I just hit paragon in September. I’ve saved big for Cyber Weekend. I hope to build a meaningful r4 roster and don’t want to abandon that mission for 7-stars because their respective power levels force me to do so.
It has been disappointing seeing a lot of things I enjoyed previously not return - gold offers, the AG store, gifting as we know it, the Gauntlet (return tbd I guess) - and seeing lots of easily updated things be ignored.
AQ is the grindiest and most annoying part of this game for me. It used to provide a meaningful path to roster progression. I know an update is theoretically coming next month (because Kabam keeps being very specific that the announcement is this month) but it’s wild to me that Thronebreaker players have seen a single t5b price change since the store was launched in December 2020, especially since that’s the biggest bottleneck resource as t5cc becomes more prevalent.
I have 37 champs at r3+ right now. If I get two good champs from the 7-8 to pulls I’ve hoarded for, I need 14 basics just for them to crack my top 40 champs. If someone is gonna be my next r4, it’s 12 basics just for that one champ (but only 15 t2a). The marketplace doesn’t reflect this at all.
Cons - repeated bugs and input issues. Cheating/Modding/botting/piloting. Kabam Transparency/Communication
Overall this is still my fav game right now and I'm hopeful about the future. We'll have to see about the relics/7* race and how that all plays out. There are WAY too many people that are taking advantage of the various systems to gain an unfair competitive advantage. We'll see how the new guy does with tackling this issue, but I'm not filled with a ton of optimisim. Hopefully he shocks us all.
But in terms of content, there is alot to do, to the point of where i actually cant do it all or dont have time. 6 star shards and rank 4 mats are pretty abundant in terms of aquisition. I love battlegrounds, i'm saving for a big opening for 7 star shards an new six stars, i think the game has definitely improved. If it wasn't for the genius creation of MARVEL SNAP, id be playing much more.
Disagree away for those the typically cry the game is dying, but i think its doing very well right now.
Hit me up in a couple weeks during cyber monday deals - planned to spend alittle if they are good. We'll see if my opinion changes then lol;)
I do really enjoy BGs, but to be competitive there, you need to also be competitive in other areas of a the game in order to have the best roster. It's a business, I get it. I just wish that in order to be competitive in one area of the game, you need to be competitive in all. In a perfect world (my perfect world, not Kabam's), BGs would be a true skill competition rather than be dependent on roster size. But again, I think they are fun and will likely keep me interested in the game for the time being. I am already realizing that when BGs are not active, I am only logging in to do my AQ or AW fights.
Can't comment on relics yet. I feel relics may be a necessary evil to keep the game alive. But they could also be a cool addition to the game. Time will tell.