Still chasing Tigra but in the past couple weeks, I've pulled Spidey99, Scorpion and Mr. Negative. I'm not complaining; especially considering they all synergize with Venom to make one of my favorite champs even more fun to play!
not ganna lie that initial post has horrible champs xD im glad you see the brightness of the 2. even so must suck not pulling some god tier type champs
I didn't save up any shards in order to do a big post-update opening, but I got Quicksilver from the featured just before the update. I also got a Maw dupe and some sigs on Miles.
Well, I think I got very lucky with my 6* pulls overall... After a 4-year pause from the game, I re-installed this summer and since then I gathered about 25 6*, now have 31 in total.
Of the 31, I believe I have at least 7 that are considered "TOP OF THE GAME" (according to some tier lists)... That's close 25%, which is a great ratio, I believe...
- Nick Fury (Dupe - Hyperion (Dupe) - Apocalypse (also have 6* Cable) - Red Magneto - Dr. Doom - Tigra - Omega Sentinel
So I am now on the hunt for a top tier Science Champ, then I have one of the best options of every class (hoping for Human Torch!)
(Also some honorable mentions like Dragon Man, Gulli 2099, Stealth Spidey. Then again, my first 6* dupe ever was Superior Iron Man! )
Pulls after finishing 8.1 exploration last week
I wish I had him 2 years ago...Maybe he would be r3 cuz he may slap in current BG meta.
Of the 31, I believe I have at least 7 that are considered "TOP OF THE GAME" (according to some tier lists)... That's close 25%, which is a great ratio, I believe...
- Nick Fury (Dupe
- Hyperion (Dupe)
- Apocalypse (also have 6* Cable)
- Red Magneto
- Dr. Doom
- Tigra
- Omega Sentinel
So I am now on the hunt for a top tier Science Champ, then I have one of the best options of every class (hoping for Human Torch!)
(Also some honorable mentions like Dragon Man, Gulli 2099, Stealth Spidey. Then again, my first 6* dupe ever was Superior Iron Man!