Candy rifts final totals

Final official total: Candy 34/35 times
With the 1 exception being the 5 sig stones (which I could get for 7k candy in the store, so technically it was WORSE than getting 20k candy again)
With the 1 exception being the 5 sig stones (which I could get for 7k candy in the store, so technically it was WORSE than getting 20k candy again)
Two Times tTb path
One time 6* AG (science)
All other Candy
2x t5cc crystal
2x 6* sig stones
2 x T5B
1 x 2M Gold
Also opened every possible cav (40+ apparently) without a single 6*, and with only 3-4 5*.
RNG was definitely NOT my friend for this event.
Still didn't enjoy it much.. Terribly mundane seeing the same path for a month. I liked previous rifts much better even without the gem.
1 x 10k 6* shards
2 x 2 million gold
The rest of the paths were candy. I don't understand people saying the event was **** considering we got more just from candy store than any event I can remember. I do wish they would have made it where everyone could have gotten the AG. Some people got 3-4 and some people didn't get it at all. Is the RNG part why people are saying the event sucked? Because the rewards were better than most months..