If you're cav or higher, you might get an email or game notification about a GUARANTEED 5 star. If thats the case today, it will most likely be a pre release bundle for Shuri. The bundle costs somewhere between 30-60 USD and will definitely give a 5 star version of Shuri. (Im not sure about the pricing because im uncollected).
Not sure how I can verify the emails real, but I will try, and yeah I thought it was kabam scamming me into getting back on after a while. Thanks for the insight guys
Just came here to post the same thing so your not the only one. I’m throne breaker and havent played in about 6 months or so, noticed I had this email so logged in to claim a free 6 star for the sake of it but no free crystals to be found. Kabam pretty much sending scam emails to get people to temp people to play their broken game
Here is what the email was.