After banning the characters, I just get autopicked a random champion, so I just start without a pick, so they enemy starts with advantage, already happenned three times.
My point exactly.and even more so.I start the fight when there's only three seconds left. The screen freezes forever.its just a **** content if u ask me
After banning the characters, I just get autopicked a random champion, so I just start without a pick, so they enemy starts with advantage, already happenned three times.
If there is delay/lag in constant connection with servers, instead of just automatically dropping that match as a forfeit, it will at least proceed within the limited time allotted for making selections. And if it didn’t get a selected response from you within that time (whether lagging, or person just waited too long) the game will automatically make a pick for you.
At least you can continue (albiet slightly handicapped), instead of forced forfeit,
Longer you have been in the game between last exit/open, the lagg’ier the game becomes especially in BattleGrounds. I can typically only get in 2 matches before I start to see slowdown, so I know to restart every couple of matches.
Yeah but this just happens in the first match, and the second, then it stops hapenning, but I never had any conection problem, I have a very good conection because I need it for work, and this happens when i picked the blocks first, Im waiting for the other player to block, and then suddenly I have a champion already picked.
At least you can continue (albiet slightly handicapped), instead of forced forfeit,
Longer you have been in the game between last exit/open, the lagg’ier the game becomes especially in BattleGrounds.
I can typically only get in 2 matches before I start to see slowdown, so I know to restart every couple of matches.