Why am I getting paired up with a paragon player in bg

I went in to a bg match the dude had a bunch of 1 and 2* then when we were drafting he changed all the 1,2* in to different champs that were 6*and one of the 1* were at 5,000 rating is he modding or is this just a bug


  • Apex_tigerApex_tiger Member Posts: 10
    And at the end I looked at the profile and it said he was paragon
  • Apex_tigerApex_tiger Member Posts: 10
    I am uncollected
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,544 ★★★★★

    I went in to a bg match the dude had a bunch of 1 and 2* then when we were drafting he changed all the 1,2* in to different champs that were 6*and one of the 1* were at 5,000 rating is he modding or is this just a bug

    What did their deck look like? Did they have 15 6* and then 15 2* or something like that? Cause if they did then what happened is they used something called sandbagging. Basically makes it so their deck rating is low enough that they can get matched with someone way weaker than them so they can get an easy win no matter what. Don't sweat it though, it's getting fixed one of these days and they will no longer be able to sandbag this way so you won't be facing them anymore, or at least not constantly
  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,194 ★★★★★
    You faced a coward.
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