Fine, game, fine, I promise not to open any more featured 6*s

Take this with a pinch of salt, I just need to vent a bit.
Basically, all I am after now are new champs. I always loved getting a new champ, even tho they are bad, idc. I just wanna have the newest ones on high rarity to enjoy the new kit.
That's why I have gone for 5* and 6* Featureds, which I admit was a mistake. I made the calculation, that this 6* featured has 11/24 chance to give me sth I want, which I foolishly considered to be good enough.
So far I got:
WS dupe
Conclusion: I am an idiot who ruins the game for himself. A rational person would stop after the two champs (who are really horrible, let's face it), but my colossally stupid mind bore the terrible idea to go for a third round. I know what you think, "What an idiot lol". And you are right.
I am honestly just disappointed that I made this mistake and wasted the nice cyberweekend gift. It was a nice gesture from Kabam and I feel horrible for ruining it.
I would still like to thank for this gift. It is a nice thing and if you aren't killjoys like me, who can only ruin things, I hope it gave you something useful and made your day better.
Basically, all I am after now are new champs. I always loved getting a new champ, even tho they are bad, idc. I just wanna have the newest ones on high rarity to enjoy the new kit.
That's why I have gone for 5* and 6* Featureds, which I admit was a mistake. I made the calculation, that this 6* featured has 11/24 chance to give me sth I want, which I foolishly considered to be good enough.
So far I got:
WS dupe
Conclusion: I am an idiot who ruins the game for himself. A rational person would stop after the two champs (who are really horrible, let's face it), but my colossally stupid mind bore the terrible idea to go for a third round. I know what you think, "What an idiot lol". And you are right.
I am honestly just disappointed that I made this mistake and wasted the nice cyberweekend gift. It was a nice gesture from Kabam and I feel horrible for ruining it.
I would still like to thank for this gift. It is a nice thing and if you aren't killjoys like me, who can only ruin things, I hope it gave you something useful and made your day better.
It could have gone badly for me but hopefully you also get this luck soon!!
I want 4 which I WANT to invest in.
Didn't get one yet.
Gorr galan maw and negs.
I'll keep opening em.
I believe I have opened about 30-35 of them. I was saving since infamous ironman launched and going to save again now for him. I can tell you I’ve pulled a lot of the new champs and duped them. I have also pulled a lot of the old champs and duped them plenty of times. You opened 3…
Titania x2
Negative dupe
Miles dupe
Man Thing
QS was the first one I opened, maybe should have quit right there.
I opened 46 crystals and I didn't get it so far. This game is like that.
I broke my promise to never open any featured again. I went for one more 6* and also 5* while I was at it. The cyberweekend deal was appealing
Since breaking a promise is a bad thing to do, a punishment had to come, which it luckily did. I pulled new shiny 6* Star-Lord. It is good that the good old crime&punishment system still works.
It's how things go sometimes. Overall, the crystal has been pretty nice to me. Despite four or five Rocket Racoon dupes. Kabam really wants me to love his buff.
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had 9/24 odds, and from 10 crystals, I got 1.
But after I opened a few more, about 10 more, and only champs I am missing now are Valk and QS, and I managed to dupe Galan.
I think featured ones are the way to go now, you just gotta wait for the right one, and 11/24 is the right one.