Is battleground only for paragon players??

LOL, like the title says, is battleground only designed for paragon players?? Because I don't know why??!! I always run into opponents with 6 star R4's on their deck, I fought like 20+ of them and got an conclusion...
I'm a thronebreaker player, but I only have 5 Six star R3 champs and I don't have any not even a single good defender, whenever I enter a BG matchmaking I end up with so called sandbaggers they easily ban my top 3 and I have to fight them 5 star R5 and 6 star R2, even if I win, the time difference is hugh they'll get the victory in the end...
I need hugh roster,
Even with Hugh roster I'll lose because of time difference,
Matchmaking is totally unfair,
And money spenders can have even better chance,
Relics playing hugh role on that, I don't even have 5 relics but I've seen people with full roster of relics
If you don't have R4 champs, don't play BG, because even if you win you lose...
And most of all, why do we have titles by our story progression?? Only for rewards?? We can use them in BG matchmaking, Cavalier can fight cavalier, Thronebreaker can fight Thronebreaker, even if my opponent is full of R3 champs I have better chance, Paragon can fight paragon atleast use this method for several levels after that you can mix up players too.
I played this game to reduce stress and have fun but it gave me new one instead 💀😤
I'm a thronebreaker player, but I only have 5 Six star R3 champs and I don't have any not even a single good defender, whenever I enter a BG matchmaking I end up with so called sandbaggers they easily ban my top 3 and I have to fight them 5 star R5 and 6 star R2, even if I win, the time difference is hugh they'll get the victory in the end...
I need hugh roster,
Even with Hugh roster I'll lose because of time difference,
Matchmaking is totally unfair,
And money spenders can have even better chance,
Relics playing hugh role on that, I don't even have 5 relics but I've seen people with full roster of relics
If you don't have R4 champs, don't play BG, because even if you win you lose...
And most of all, why do we have titles by our story progression?? Only for rewards?? We can use them in BG matchmaking, Cavalier can fight cavalier, Thronebreaker can fight Thronebreaker, even if my opponent is full of R3 champs I have better chance, Paragon can fight paragon atleast use this method for several levels after that you can mix up players too.
I played this game to reduce stress and have fun but it gave me new one instead 💀😤
Is matchmaking in bg unfair? Definitely
Does bg gives more stress? Without a doubt
Is battleground designed for paragons only? No. I reached gladiators circuit both the season with 2 r4 and 6 r3 previous season and 0 r4 5 r3 on 1st season. I matched with tons of 3million + paragons on both season. Lost to some, win against some.
Bg is definitely roster dependent, but can't lose hope cause there are tons of noob paragon players with minimal skill hiding behind their huge roster, they just grinded tons of units to clear contents nothing else.
Cause believe me as stated above those 3million + paragons I defeated last season has skill level,Lower than an uncollected player, cause if they had minimum skill My 1.3 m 12k prestige account with only 6 r3 and 2r4 and rest 5 stars on deck wouldn't had a chnace against them. They have full r3 and min 4 5 r4 deck.
So even though bg matchmaking is unfair just hope you run into such noob paragons
As long as you can live with a compromise of rewards also tailored to your progression level.
Need a friendly mode with random matchmaking.
That will be fun without a doubt.