Where's the Alliance Rank Rewards bro?

As everyone knows, earlier this week Kabam made the executive decision to cancel Alliance Quest fue to a bug preventing some alliances fron completing the game mode upon entering.
Earlier today Day 5 AQ was scheduled to finish and I was anticipating the rank rewards to drop in the time they usually do so I can spend all my Glory like a crackhead cause who doesn't like free glory for not having to complete AQ?
Anyways, I've been going through Glory withdrawals and Im over here tryna get a taste of some of that good [stuff] but it hasn't dropped yet.
So my Question to any of the Kabam team is...
Where my Glory at yall Jive Turkeys? The executive team promised us the same alliance rank rewards we earned on the previous AQ week for this AQ week that just ended earlier today. You guys need to deliver on my damn Glory cause daddy needs some iso and T5B and y'all jerks are holding out on us. Where's my crack-uh.. i mean Glory at!? 😂😂😂
[edited by moderator to remove profanity]
Earlier today Day 5 AQ was scheduled to finish and I was anticipating the rank rewards to drop in the time they usually do so I can spend all my Glory like a crackhead cause who doesn't like free glory for not having to complete AQ?
Anyways, I've been going through Glory withdrawals and Im over here tryna get a taste of some of that good [stuff] but it hasn't dropped yet.
So my Question to any of the Kabam team is...
Where my Glory at yall Jive Turkeys? The executive team promised us the same alliance rank rewards we earned on the previous AQ week for this AQ week that just ended earlier today. You guys need to deliver on my damn Glory cause daddy needs some iso and T5B and y'all jerks are holding out on us. Where's my crack-uh.. i mean Glory at!? 😂😂😂
[edited by moderator to remove profanity]
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
Anybody, besides me been having holiday deja vu??? That is probably why! Exactly one year ago we where right here doing this! Complaining about broken on release aqs! Nothing has changed!
Let's see if it plays out the same way! Last year the compensation made many of us mad!
The new AQ week has already started and I still haven't gotten any Glory to spend before the Glory store resets.
When will everyone be receiving previous AQ Rank Rewards? Everyone is patiently waiting Kabam..