Reduce the time for buying resources in Battlegrounds !!

6 days wait is literally too much imo !! Either reduce it to half which is 3 days or increase the buying cap . This change should be implemented next season .
My hoarding has nothing to do with this . Honestly I don't even understand why there is a limit to the things we can to begin with.
30x 6* Crystal shards - 13500
5 x T3A shards - 20000
5 x T6B shards - 20000
20 x T5B shards - 3400
20 x T2A shards - 2400
Well, it comes to 77300 tokens (if my math is correct)
can be spent in 10 minutes mate.
It is your decision to hoard them
Incursions had a great update to Gold and now as we can play them solo it is easy to grind gold from the milestones
Im in Tier 1 and getting 85K gold per milestone which makes 850K gold per 5 days
Which makes a total of approximately 5Million Gold for me as I am completing all the milestones
Cav EQ 100% completion gives 40k x 24 -> 960K
UC EQ 100% completion gives 10K x 24 -> 240K
and lower ones approximates the total to 1.5Million Gold
That makes a total of 6.5Million Gold per month
There is gold elsewhere from Arena/Battlechips to Solo Event Crystals
So, it shouldn't be a problem other than doing a 6* Rank 4 every level up for the entire month