The Hood's Infinite Invisibility is bugged

Dear Kabam,
Thank you for fixing the dashback ability. However we are disappointed to discover that this fix/ new update brought us a far more worse bug. The Hood's manual Invisibility during Infinite Invisibility does not work anymore. We are deeply sad this new update killed the Infinite Invisibility (worst bug). Attached is a link video of me showing this bug in alliance war today. Sorry I tried to upload files but all formats are invalid hence I did an unlisted video oj Youtube.
This bug will impact a lot of alliances who are using The Hood in alliance war especially against the final boss Unsteady Ground Knull.
If you need help don't hesitate to reach out to me since I am knowledgeable with The Hood's mechanic.
We are expecting a fix on this as soon as possible. Damage is done, a compensation will be appreciate, if any.
Thank you for fixing the dashback ability. However we are disappointed to discover that this fix/ new update brought us a far more worse bug. The Hood's manual Invisibility during Infinite Invisibility does not work anymore. We are deeply sad this new update killed the Infinite Invisibility (worst bug). Attached is a link video of me showing this bug in alliance war today. Sorry I tried to upload files but all formats are invalid hence I did an unlisted video oj Youtube.
This bug will impact a lot of alliances who are using The Hood in alliance war especially against the final boss Unsteady Ground Knull.
If you need help don't hesitate to reach out to me since I am knowledgeable with The Hood's mechanic.
We are expecting a fix on this as soon as possible. Damage is done, a compensation will be appreciate, if any.

Post edited by Kabam Jax on
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In that context, we follow the true intention of the creators which is to allow Hood to prolong his Invisibility thru looping hence why they even call him the mystical master of miss. This is very obvious by looking at his ability description.
This feature is not simple as dashing forward or backwards, you really need timing, keeping an eye to the icons, your hexes and counting your misses. Simply put it is ultra high skilled required (Very hard to execute). This is what separate Hood from Kitty and Ghost, The Hood utilizes misses hence the creators called it "Invisibility" and not "Phasing" for a reason. Invisibility is for hit misses while Phasing is for tanking hits intentionally without taking any damage.
At the moment this feature is still working thru Special attack 2, the only thing that is bugged is the dashback ability. We thank Kabam for fixing the dashback ability but we are sad to report it is not entirely fix.
We are hoping a fix is coming the soonest possible.
Thank you.
Would appreciate a comment from the team whether this change is intended or a bug. My expectation is it’s a bug, as I am confident Kabam would have communicated an intended change in their notes.
Kabam wants the miss to be reliable that's why they made the Infinite Miss feature available. They literally said the "With the hood's update he has his Miss more consistenly".
When they said "An upgrade to his miss" it means looping the Invisibility buffs to gain more gauranteed miss, they are referring to the Infinite Miss here.
Also, they said "If used correctly" which means it is NOT simply dashing back and hold block or using Special 2s it's about using it correctly by combining the two (dashback ability and Sp2s) which they also mentioned in Dev's note saying "Pair this with the Special 2 to have consistent uptime on the Invisibility". Consistent uptime can only be achieve with Infinite Miss. With the New update preventing us from combining the two there is no more consistent uptime on hood's invisibility. I want to give emphasize and go back to wherre they said "If used correctly" because the Infinite Miss feature is not easy to execute. Truth is besides me I only know one person who can do the Infinite Miss consistently, that's like 1% of the whole MCOC community and this feature been existing for over two years. How selfish it is to take it away and never give the community a chance to learn it. I am just doing my part to share my knowledge and experience for the good of the game and the community, it isn't even a bug why take it away.
It is not a bug, it is not a broken feature (Not a cheat code), it is ultra high skilled requured (only two people knows how to do it based on my knowledge), and it was intended by the creators and the dev. The community deserves it and its good for the game.
The talk about upgrades to miss consistency needs to be in context of what his old abilities were, which was a percent chance to miss unable to exceed 90% (45%contact, 90% projectile). In the past you couldn’t guarantee he would miss anything, now you can (sans bugs) which is why it is described as more consistent.
Yeah I agree with you at least the present Hood can guarante his miss compared to his old versions.
It wasn’t clear at all they intended to have infinite uptime on the invisibility buff under any circumstance, you can continue to attempt shoehorn it to be so but that’s just forced wishful thinking. You can continue to read things that are not there also but that is fiction. If they intended hood to have that they would have explicitly said so.
The thing about kabam is they aren't perfect with their wordings. We've seen so many errors in the past (we can't turn blind on this one, its ugly), this is why you can't say they did not intend it since the abilities taken together suggest they actually intend the Infinite Miss (dashback and Sp2 co-existing).
If not with the Infinite Miss feature the whole idea of trying get a consistent miss and uptime for invisibility (multiple reworks) crumbles down to nothing. The mechanic is irreversible in a way that you need the dashback ability to trigger Invsibility, you cannot shut it off while in Infinite Invisibility unless they explicitly said so in their notes. What they said is they're fixing the dashback ability nothing more nothing less.
Please fix this bug or atleast acknowledge it for now.
Fix Me (hood)
Let's not forget that Hood has not been In-game for a month or 2, but for YEARS. And the fix was for the dashback... And suddenly he is totally out of sync. THAT is the point. The argument you are all trying to shove down the Original posters' throat is that this was the original design or interpretation... And it simply isn't so. Feelings and personal thoughts are allowed and encouraged, but we can't assume what Kabam intended (we also know they don't give a single #& to the player bases' opinion like with every previous rank down character) they would simply pull a champs stats or mechanics down and say that's that.
The point is they were going to the shops to get milk (fix the dashback mechanic for some users/devices) and they came back with cheese (it triggers but works DIFFERENTLY than before) ... Yes its made from milk... But it won't stir in my coffee.
And all the OP wants is some acknowledgement and a fix. Not a rebalance and beta testing of a new champ and feedback... Just revert and correct the dashback.