New BG tournament has started in full swing

I was a little late to make this announcement, but i created an invitational 8 peron double elimination tournament for battlegrounds. Initially I didn't think i'd get many bites from the bigger guys, but I was definitely wrong. Rounding out the list who are competing for the top slot are: KT1, BeeWee, Faysim, HappyMcMuffins, Lagacy, Beroman, TJarvis and Fintech. They're going to be uploading to their own channels if they have one, except for the final round in the tournament being live (hopefully).
The seeds are in no particular order, I put all their names in a random generator and the ones at the top got first seed and ones at the bottom got 8th. The seeding in no way reflects my personal bias toward anyone. But it's shaping out nicely in the first two matches between TJarvis vs Fintech and Lagacy vs. Beroman in Round 1. Being double elimination, no one is out yet but we confirmed that lagacy and TJarvis are still in the winner's bracket.
As the tournament progresses except for the championship round, I'll be uploading side by side fights and highlights to my channel. So if you aren't subscribed, it would mean a lot to me if you would to see some big time players going at it
If you were not invited to this tournament, Since I limited it to 8 people I'm using this as a trial run for future larger tournaments. Let me know what you think!