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Venom vs Venompool?

HiltonAlsHiltonAls Posts: 13
edited December 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Who’s better as a 6*? Would appreciate hearing the reasoning for your vote as well.

Venom vs Venompool? 71 votes

MasterSmokezuffyChovnerMqc19captaincushMhd20034Darth_StewieTotal_Domin01CassyEgretM4mbracePikoluDenslo500_Sham_JimmyBAnbeiMoeyTehrbooscka2536living_legend_1Ctfz35 44 votes
Spity68JadedyuwBatarangrcm2017Logan00Cr7ms7rs7Avengers320AmaadAkiraKillswitch01PRIMUUSBuffBeast0casual0RiptideTimestoneAdarsHspidyjedi84Cam97GrassKnucklesDave7099Rainwind76 27 votes
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on


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    willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Posts: 3,587 ★★★★★
    I just love his simplicity, but I'd say vp is better.
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    yuwyuw Posts: 316 ★★
    vpool is better against robot and champ with lots of buff. Venom is better against spiderverse and has armor break. They are very different champ imo
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    ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Posts: 3,105 ★★★★★
    If it's all Tech or buff heavy champions, venompool if it's a little bit of everything, venom, either way I took both of mine to Max rank
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    AmaadAkiraAmaadAkira Posts: 388 ★★★
    Venompool better for long-form content and storymode. Venom better in shorter nuke matchups.
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    WhyMe1984WhyMe1984 Posts: 63
    Venompool imo is the better champ... Especially for larger health pools... And with every other node giving the defender armor ups, he has easy access to Regen as well
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    HamoBlamo51HamoBlamo51 Posts: 288 ★★
    hes just got so much utility and is better the longer the fight goes on, he's basically THE warlock counter with his illogical DNA. with sustainability and really solid damage id have to go with venompool. hes also been my favourite champion ever since he came out. that being said venom has the edge in shorter fights
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    BlôdletterBlôdletter Posts: 444 ★★★
    I would probably favor VP for long content, but we haven't had any recently. Venom is in my BG deck, he is a great short fight attacker, able to get through some troubling techs
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    Venompool for me. He's so good for longer content and I find him better against robots/tech champions (shock/ armor break/power drain immune + degen if they're immune to bleed) than Venom (which I do also find very cool and simple to use)
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    mbracembrace Posts: 847 ★★★
    crazy synergy with Scorpion
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    AMS94AMS94 Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Although their kits seem similar, both serve different purposes & used for different kind of fights

    In current state of the game Venompool can take care of more annoying defenders so u can give him priority over Venom but u should take both of them up

    Keep in mind that short fights with VP will not be as fast as with Venom but his upper limit is much higher in longer fights & he shreds through some annoying tech defenders like Omega Sentinel, Nimrod, Warlock, IronDoom
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