Spider-Man (Classic)'s Overhaul

We've got confirmation that he is getting a brand new kit, but there is no mention of him receiving an animation update. He shares the same exact animations as his Symbiote counterpart, so I was wondering if there are plans to update his animations
The buff team (i.e. Kabam Dorosh) only have a limited amount of time. Please let's encourage them to spend the time actually coming up with a decent champion kit and testing it, rather than using it on unnecessary animations.
Animation updates just give them another excuse, & a justifiable one at that (unlike most others) to not have more consistent buffs
And it doesn't add too much value to the character
A small OG Cap style animation update might be fine but hopefully nothing substantial
We already have 6 buffs in the pipeline with 0 results on live server.....better not have any more delays
My 6 star classic Spidey:
I hope not, but...
We used to say that about Armour Break, Degeneration and Rupture. It's just a matter of time.
Although this would be a fairly niche immunity, it has to be said.
- Healing factor
- sp1. web shooters causes SLOW (to prevent evades, Unstoppables), also inflicts weakness and disorient debuff and falter debuff to cause opponent to miss for 10 seconds
- sp2. inflicts trauma debuff (additional 70% damage as physical) for 10 seconds.
in his base kit, OG spider-man should come with "Spider-sense" which prevents evades and miss. He also should have a 25% chance to evade all incoming hits.
As long as they don't go anywhere near reducing his Base Regeneration Rate for whatever reason. Never, ever again...
So for Spiderman OG and Symbiote, maybe they can have the same new animations, maybe SM Symbiote could have Venom SP2 and as for abilities he would have a mix between Spiderman and Venom, and that it is 2 champs buffed and for kind 1.5 work.
This can be a similar thing to Cyclop (Blue/Red), Iron Man (OG & Superior), Iron First (OG & Immortal), etc
- Sentry
- Night Crawler (looking forward to the most)
- Winter Soldier
- Doctor Strange
- Iron Fist
- Beast
- Green Goblin (guess 2 Norman Osborn won’t hurt)
- Drax (Guardian of the galaxy still need some help lol)
- Elektra
I’d love to see him get a revamped passive taunt mechanic, since being an irritant is a huge part of his strategy. It would be super cool if the passive taunt applied penalties to attack and ability power gain per debuff on the opponent, so Spidey could act as a counter to kingpin.
Hopefully, any update makes him fun and useable