Which mutant 6* to r3?

Hi. I can rank a 6* mutant to r3. Any suggestion on who to rank first among Colossus, Apoc, Omega Red, Prof X or Sunspot (all unwakened) ?
I also have a mutant awakening gem, is any of these champs worth of it?
I also have a mutant awakening gem, is any of these champs worth of it?
BUT….Apoc certainly does not need the awakening gem. His ability is kinda useless. I would say either save for Kitty or use it on Colossus. He gets better with more sigs, but is a different champ at even 1 sig.
damage apoc have great immunities too , and damage doesnt need synergy for damage both can counter biohazard ,
colo is good for BG but apoc mehhh.....
think about the game mode you play with I found colosus good for bg and story contant ,apoc is good for monthly side quest and story contant .