FTP pushing for uncollected, need help

This is my 5* roster, I want to use as few units as possible moving through act 5, and I really don't get much time to play, family obligations
Who should I rank, is doom 5* better than my 6* mojo? I am having a hard time, and don't really want to rank up a bunch of 4*s to struggle anyhow and have them be obsolete next year aside from arena

Who should I rank, is doom 5* better than my 6* mojo? I am having a hard time, and don't really want to rank up a bunch of 4*s to struggle anyhow and have them be obsolete next year aside from arena

Whoops forgot a pic
Scorpion & Doom
Also for 6* Gwenpool is also good
Scorpion is also really good.
But I would also suggest learning how to use ghost. She is better duped. But unduped she can still do a ton of damage and she has great ways to ignore certain damage.
If you have a wasp, even a 4* you can throw unblockable specials.
I would suggest a quick youtube search on how to use her.
I did my initial act 5.3 and 5.4 runs with her, and also my initial realm of legends run.
You have a very good set of champs btw.
I'm kinda scared of playing with ghost, as every time I try I just suck the big one with her
Now, here’s unpopular opinions - I still love CMM and OG BP (though awakened helps both little better) - and - I think Ronin is underrated. No, he’s not the best. But, I love using him. He is little tricky to play - 2 hits, flip back stance, 3 hits, flip back stance, rinse repeat, fire off sp2. I just love his animations, bleeds, and play style. Good synergy between Ronin and CMM as well.
Ghost is good, but I can’t ever get her phasing down well enough 🫠, I’m too impatient 😉
If Vodoo gets duped, he’s awesome.