Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Who are you more hyped for

13579rebel_13579rebel_ Posts: 2,542 ★★★★★

Who are you more hyped for 79 votes

Baron Zemo
DrZolaOKAYGangMike8mn123dudeJinxesaxeSpeedbumpDragonMCOCTotal_Domin01solopoloJaisanLiquidkoldFloorKillerTony886Webby72Amazing_Demon05L0TUS_MANTISDJMNHliving_legend_1Owl_0wlToyota_2015TheSaith 45 votes
Absorbing Man
Hort4GK_23TerraHenrytfu_41HERVE_LEANDREMaazlogan2321CrusaderjrSyndicatedCrazyjack719Cupidrcm2017MaxtheSilentWine_LoverMoeyTehrCtfz35AMS94THUNDERBILArtoria77SaltE_Wenis69Yodabolt21 34 votes


  • Options
    Ansh_AAnsh_A Posts: 546 ★★★
    Baron Zemo
    Baron Zemo but Absorbing Man has the potential to be very unique and interesting in the game.
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    LlessurLlessur Posts: 488 ★★★
    Baron Zemo
    Zemo was a summoner choice champion meaning he’ll probably be crazy like omega sentinel but not as crazy as herc and Quicksilver
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    CrusaderjrCrusaderjr Posts: 1,059 ★★★★
    Absorbing Man
    i love zemo after seeing him in the show, but the characters just doesnt fit. absorbing man on the other hand gives me kratos vibes in his sp2, and just seems to have more openness to having a huge kit in game
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    JinxesaxeJinxesaxe Posts: 411 ★★★
    Baron Zemo
    Absorbing Man could really break the game, but I do have to say Zemo. One of my favorite villains ever. Super excited.

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    solopolosolopolo Posts: 883 ★★★
    Baron Zemo
    Haven't heard of absorbing man until now, so nothing to really go off of, but zemo was one of my wants from last year's polls, so definitely happy to see him
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    AMS94AMS94 Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Absorbing Man
    Zemo has disorient & traps in his kit
    Both these abilities already have in the game
    I'm not a fan of disorients & also I hate root/trap mechanics so he probably won't be my favorite

    Absorbing man has the potential to bring something new....may be a better version of buff steal, power steal, life steal or something like that
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