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Bug/potential BG cheats

So I just finished a match with some odd things happening.
1. I finished a fight at 53 seconds and my opponent at 64. He won. The issue? As soon as my fight finished, it showed he was done his. There is no way he finished before me with fight time that was higher. We both killed each others defenders
2. On the same guy, Claire’s buff immunity would not trigger against Thing.


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    Edit* seems I accidentally posted this twice. Oops.
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    mgj0630mgj0630 Posts: 1,039 ★★★★
    Why wouldn't Claire's buff immunity trigger against Thing?

    He's immune to Nullify, Stagger, and Fate Seal. BWCV's buff immunity still has a 50% chance to trigger against science champs.
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    Also a couple people in our alliance have had the same thing where the fight timer says opponent takes longer even though they finish sooner
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    mgj0630 said:

    Why wouldn't Claire's buff immunity trigger against Thing?

    He's immune to Nullify, Stagger, and Fate Seal. BWCV's buff immunity still has a 50% chance to trigger against science champs.

    Okay maybe the buff immunity didn’t trigger because he is science. I didn’t realize that. My bad. But the fight time seems wrong in the fact that opponents supposedly take longer but finished sooner.
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    mgj0630mgj0630 Posts: 1,039 ★★★★
    Sorry, I can't offer any insight into that aspect.

    I can only assume it's something to do with the specific device being used. If their fight loads faster than yours, they could presumably finish before you, but have a longer time. I'm just theorizing here...I don't have a solid answer for you.
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    OdachiOdachi Posts: 1,091 ★★★★
    Load times probably play into this, if he device loaded quicker that could be the a factor
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    Wong_99Wong_99 Posts: 604 ★★★
    Orrr, maybe it was a visual bug! Ever consider that?
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    G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    I’m on load times, too…

    OP, what device are you using?
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    I’m on load times, too…

    OP, what device are you using?

    iPhone 11
    And I know it could be a visual bug or a load issue. I was just asking to see if it was something else since it has never happened before.
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    HipocerosHipoceros Posts: 88
    The time in between you finishing and the other guy finishing isn't the visual spent time . After your KO the info is submited almost instantly to the server, then you have the finishing hits, the ending animation and the loading screen to show you the final stats. When you reach that screen probably the rival wasn't saw it yet.. he surely is seeing yet the last hits of his fight in his screen.
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