Congratulations Kabam in Battleground

You somehow manage to turn the best mode in the game into the worst!! Im a paragon, plat level fighter and these nodes are so bs its not even about skill at this point!! Seriously, whats next? Auto death in 3 second node!!! Smh
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on
They edit my post to put it to suggestions page. I posted in the general discussion page. I guess its one way of limiting people from seeing. Im still very pissed. Looking forward to this and there is no reason ending last season as plat1 and i could barely win 2/10 matches so far. Fkdjdjdjssjsj
This battleground meta is just not fun in my case. Requires to rethink dramatically the roster, counters, strategies, etc. like I've nothing else to do in life. So thank you Kabam, but no.
You are missing the point, buddy.
Hes focusing on bashing others that hes missing the point. My point is I wasn’t a weak fighter to every reply saying “git gud”. I was at plat1 last season and this season I couldn’t even win 3 matches so far…. Thats the problem.
Let me frame my situation. I too was P1 last season, after an unexpected, frustrating time trying to get out of bronze...didn't fly through silver or gold either...and I don't consider that good for someone with 6 6r4, lots of 6r3 and good 5r5 champs. I considered myself having a diverse roster....I just didn't have a ton or champs that buffed alot, and never have been flush with champs that power control. But, I hadn't invested a lot of time in the two prior seasons and my expectations were low.
With the current nodes, I feel the pain, but have an understanding of why my God tier champs used for every other content might be negated in this one. I am fortune to have the two wild card champs that don't get power burned at all, and lucky enough to have a couple that are good against techs...a few other options known for some specific match ups.
I have a 6r4 Nick Fury in my deck, but unlike a lot of the folks saying it's so bad, I'm never going to attack with him purposely. ..the nodes are against him.
Understand what's going on...see if you have enough counter to make a deck...give it a go. Don't expect to muscle through it...don't expect an entitlement to similar success of previous seasons. Don't play it if it stresses you too much.
I didn't mention that I apply next to no units to make my progress. Other find it worthy of investment. ..that's personal choice. If any game content isn't a match for you champs, skip it. Life doesn't end without every reward possible.
The game content was created to give us reason to rank's ones choice whether these particular rewards are worth doing so for this season. Everybody's situation is unique. So many different modes requires making choices...
How the hell did he win with only a 3 second fight with no damage to either?
Get in his 10 hits, pause, wait for TIMEOUT. For whatever reason, I have not yet faced a poser....uh pauser. I have faced two folks pass on their Galan, and still beat me with DOT champs....suspect it was a slow methodical fight for them. Whatever it takes, right.