Generic gem on your favorite Marvel character, or on a 'God' tier character

Probably an obvious answer for most.
Blade is my favorite Marvel character, by a mile. Finally pulled him in the 6 star nexus abyss, but obviously he needs that Vamperic healing (best heal in the game?)
But from the banquet rewards, just pulled a 6* Nimrod, Corvus and Galan. Got super lucky. Obviously theyre a couple tiers above Blade in overall utility, all 3 considered to be in 'God' tier
I dont know if Ill ever pull Blade again, or the next time ill have a gem.
So in this scenario,would you use the generic on your favorite Marvel character, where you also really enjoy his/her animation and gameplay, or on a champion that will support you much better, in almost any mode?
Blade is my favorite Marvel character, by a mile. Finally pulled him in the 6 star nexus abyss, but obviously he needs that Vamperic healing (best heal in the game?)
But from the banquet rewards, just pulled a 6* Nimrod, Corvus and Galan. Got super lucky. Obviously theyre a couple tiers above Blade in overall utility, all 3 considered to be in 'God' tier
I dont know if Ill ever pull Blade again, or the next time ill have a gem.
So in this scenario,would you use the generic on your favorite Marvel character, where you also really enjoy his/her animation and gameplay, or on a champion that will support you much better, in almost any mode?
But when I awakened my Scorpigod I dumped all 160 of my sig stones into him
Follow your heart
But at the end of the day do what makes you happy 👍🏼
I’ll suggest the same to you! But if you have an urgent need of his awakening pop the gem in without any doubt!
I did same with void and g299