Apocalypse Glitched

Mid way through my Gauntlet run I realised that Apocalypse's Bleed/Disorient immunity alongside his evade reduction were not carrying on past the initial fight they were acquired in. After painstakingly chipping away at Spider-Ham I gained the -100% evade and proceded along, eventually realising once I hit Korg that none of that counted and now I am mid way through with a wonky team and War starting tomorrow my options are give up the potions boosts and revives I've already used and quit or try and get though both Korg and Spidergwen with a practically useless Apocalypse and redo all that ramp up again and again
This has been discussed in many different spots on the forums over the last week.
The latest update is: this issue appears to be resolved for the upcoming hot-fix! We should be seeing that coming out in the next day or two.
will it be fixed even if i am in the middle of gauntlet?