Input Issues Return/Amplified?



  • RenaxqqRenaxqq Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    I don't think I will reach Gladiator Circut because of these problems.
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 666 ★★★★
    Dave7099 said:

    Bout ready to take the month off and come back next month and see if it's better

    Removed from my ally already and just casually playing right now anyway. More frustrating then fun

    Spoiler alert: it won’t be
  • Saske97Saske97 Member Posts: 81
    I wonder if Kabam is aware of the issues and are just working behind the curtains of if they think it's just certain devices and the game is completely fine.

    Saw many threads reporting issues get shut down with the useless template being reposted all the time with the android and iOS lag performance threads.

    We just want the game to work. You can acknowledge the issue without having to send compensation.
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 876 ★★★★

    Thecurler said:

    Also, try not to get too frustrated at the lack of acknowledgment or response to the input and ai issues we all know exist in the game.

    If they respond at all, which in itself is unlikely, it’s doubtful you’ll get the response you’re hoping for.

    I know most of the time we post here out of frustration. I’m much more active on the forum when the game has problems and lost count the number of times I come straight here after something has gone wrong in the game.

    I’m sure your alliance chat groups are full of complaints about the issues (I know mine is). This forum which a tiny percentage of the player base use is flooded with threads and posts.

    We all know the game has significant issues at the moment so from that perspective it makes no difference if Kabam admit it or not.

    Unfortunately playing the game in it’s current state and the Developers apparent lack of accountability leaves me feeling cheated somehow. I would hazard a guess I’m far from the only one.

    I have to respectfully disagree. If there are not enough complaints made on forum then the problem gets disregarded...Kabam will say that themselves.

    People deserve an answer considering all the time, resources and money that go into this game by many of us.
    I think you might have misunderstood the point I was trying to make or I didn’t convey it clearly enough in my post.

    I 100% agree we should continue to complain and deserve an answer.

    The point I was trying to make is (and I’ve been guilty of this myself) don’t let their inertia allow us to get even more worked up.

    Those of us who have been around since the early days know how they operate.

    In years gone by it’s taken a coordinated community backlash with the potential to hurt them financially before they acknowledge major issues the community are unhappy with. And off the top of my head, that’s happened 2 or 3 times
    We’re a million miles away from that these days.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    Heavy baiting is almost impossible.. i get stuck blocking cause the swipe doesnt register and end up taking a heavy hit.... This is just terrible
  • Fred1Fred1 Member Posts: 37
    For me the issue can be seen in 2 ways:
    - opponent is reacting too quickly, sometimes he can parry SP after a 5 hit combo, same if you dash back after a 4 hit combo you ll be sometimes punished
    - also I have some large game freeze: like 1 second freeze in the middle of a fight

    It's really annoying and hope it will be enhanced soon !
  • Darth_StewieDarth_Stewie Member Posts: 390 ★★★
    I am having major concerns with the defenders ability to change the distance to which they can land a SP. This happens quite frequently, but most recently I have had the SP2 of Joe Fixit and Kingpin have the ability to hit me across the other side of the screen. Then I go back and play them with another champ, they suddenly have a shorter and slower reach.

    To me it's comical. But it also makes me not want to play BG nearly as much.
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,387 ★★★★
    edited February 2023
    sarcasm on:

    but have you seen the new Emotes? Relics? any of the updated graphics? I mean they MORE then make up for any issues....

    sarcasm off:
  • WayWorn2525WayWorn2525 Member Posts: 967 ★★★
    Going on like forever. My player is stuck in block when I want to dash back so there's no escaping a heavy attack. Again, Kabam you're doing helluva job with this game. I'm definitely going to recommend this game to those that have money to burn and don't mind the comical joke endure during gameplay!!
  • WayWorn2525WayWorn2525 Member Posts: 967 ★★★
    I want to add that this will be the first time (and quite happy) I don't complete any of the EQ or SQ due input issues and focusing just on hoarding away on units so I don't end up suckering myself to buy those odin units deals in a frantic state for cyber Monday. Thanks Kabam for the gameplay experience!! 😁
  • Fred1Fred1 Member Posts: 37
    Does anyone succeed to solve these input issues with ingame parameters or others ?

    It's really frustrating and annoying !
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,797 ★★★★★
    Fred1 said:

    Does anyone succeed to solve these input issues with ingame parameters or others ?

    It's really frustrating and annoying !

    I haven't figured out another way other than to periodically force close the game. Even that doesn't work sometimes.
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