Looking for ally

Looking for an alliance, have 13.5k prestige with 1.3mil rating. Have 4 rank4 champs along with 12 rank 3s and 10 rank 2s. I do BGs,AQ, and war, gave up 2 deaths last season and was the main one for bosses.


  • Blackout_31Blackout_31 Member Posts: 21

    Join us if you still need an Alliance
  • Marvelfan30Marvelfan30 Member Posts: 1,173 ★★★★
    edited February 2023
    Hey there we need 1 guy and you sound pretty good! we do 2 hopefully 3 bgs wars trying to get back to g2 this season, and we run 2 bg aq map 5 and 6 and our bgs score is usually top 10%. Add 1OfTheSpiderMen in game if you are interested. Thank you for your time
  • BoonecooneyBoonecooney Member Posts: 81
    Hello Isaac679,

    Have you found yourself an Alliance yet??

    If not? I would like to cordially invite you to our Alliance!

    We run maps AQ series currently! And AQ is mandatory!

    We run 2 BG's for AW! AW is free to join! No pressure!!
    We finished last season in G3 and normally finish in G2 or G3. And we are looking for ACTIVE PLAYERS who can help us progress to G1/Plat.

    We also finished in the top 11% - 20% in the BG's Event for Seasons 1 & 2. And top 25% for season 3. And just finished top 31% for season 4.


    Give me a shout if you're interested!

    Alliance name: Rebel Alliance 69
    Line I D.- Rebel Thumbs
    Game I.D. - Rebel Thumbs
  • VigzsVigzs Member Posts: 20
    Hello! Bad Apple is recruiting to prepare for the upcoming season. We consist of various people who have played together over the years. We’ve come together to create an alliance that strikes the right balance between getting things done and being fun. Our goal is to push to Gold2/Gold1 this season. We are starting with map 5 AQ. Battlegrounds are not a requirement yet but encouraged.

    Line is required for communication. We are a very active and helpful crew - prestige isn’t as important to us as much as participation, skill, and the willingness to learn and grow. Contact me if interested! Currently at 29/30 with a rating of 46,317,645.

    Line ID - Vigzs
    In game - Vigzs
  • Matty78Matty78 Member Posts: 3
    Gold 1/ Maps 5

    Add me on Line if interested
    Line ID Finsher78
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