Ultron Needs a Hit Counting Mechanic Icon

Ultron is absolutely incredible. There are a ton of different ways to play him, but something most people don't make use of is the guaranteed crit he has.
The problem with this mechanic is that it's coded as every "5th attack" is a guaranteed crit. This means that u can't use ur combo meter to track this, as blocked hits count and even whiffed hits count towards this counter.
It would be incredibly helpful if ultron had a critical hit counter under his healthbar that counted down from 5 as u used up hits towards the guaranteed crit.
That way you could actually (with some skill no doubt) line up ur heavies and ur special attacks with when the guaranteed crits are active.
This shouldn't be hard to implement at all. You did something similar with Omega Sentinel by adding the pause timer for her (which I think you should also give to Crossbones).
Clearly there is already a counter in the background keeping track of the attacks used by ultron or the mechanic wouldn't work, so it should be as simple as enabling it so it's visible under his health bar.
I think this is a reasonable request. It doesn't alter anything about the champs abilities at all, but would make playing him waaaaaay more efficient and effective.
Lets make this happen @Kabam Miike

The problem with this mechanic is that it's coded as every "5th attack" is a guaranteed crit. This means that u can't use ur combo meter to track this, as blocked hits count and even whiffed hits count towards this counter.
It would be incredibly helpful if ultron had a critical hit counter under his healthbar that counted down from 5 as u used up hits towards the guaranteed crit.
That way you could actually (with some skill no doubt) line up ur heavies and ur special attacks with when the guaranteed crits are active.
This shouldn't be hard to implement at all. You did something similar with Omega Sentinel by adding the pause timer for her (which I think you should also give to Crossbones).
Clearly there is already a counter in the background keeping track of the attacks used by ultron or the mechanic wouldn't work, so it should be as simple as enabling it so it's visible under his health bar.
I think this is a reasonable request. It doesn't alter anything about the champs abilities at all, but would make playing him waaaaaay more efficient and effective.
Lets make this happen @Kabam Miike

So, whiffed hits do not count toward the crit attack counter, but blocked hits do.
Please add an attack counter lol
@Kabam Miike
@Kabam Zibiit
@Kabam Miike
Well joke is on me this is kinda a necro post.
@Kabam Miike
@Kabam Zibiit
@Kabam Porthos
@Kabam Vydious
@Kabam Lyra