A wise man once said, if it isn't 100% chance, then it is 0%. Even though the actual margin or error is low, it is pretty much guaranteed to not trigger when you actually need it.
A wise man once said, if it isn't 100% chance, then it is 0%. Even though the actual margin or error is low, it is pretty much guaranteed to not trigger when you actually need it.
Same like biohazard lanes ..says 20% chance to trigger bleed and poison but it's more like 80%.
A wise man once said, if it isn't 100% chance, then it is 0%. Even though the actual margin or error is low, it is pretty much guaranteed to not trigger when you actually need it.
Same like biohazard lanes ..says 20% chance to trigger bleed and poison but it's more like 80%.
A wise man once said, if it isn't 100% chance, then it is 0%. Even though the actual margin or error is low, it is pretty much guaranteed to not trigger when you actually need it.
Same like biohazard lanes ..says 20% chance to trigger bleed and poison but it's more like 80%.
Except when it's on the mutant path in TB or Cav SQ. Then I'll do an entire fight getting maybe 1 - 2 bleeds on me.
You have to be 0,36% chance levels of unlucky
you’d have to be anti-domino
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