Turn of events. Had one more class crystal and look at that baby!!!!!!! Then a 4 to 5 and the debate begins. Either him or warlock. Prestige vs favorite champ
I was stoked to get him (animations and fan of his comic run) especially his power burn. It it seems lackluster to me. Anyone have a good video, or can explain words which is preferred. He's at r3 right now.
He's not even that good. Took him to R3 and a little bit regret it. Spot is so much better. Even Spider-man Supreme.
Agree...got him...took him to rank 2 and stopped. So glad I didn't drop my gem on him like I planned on.Great for bishop....and great overall but also way overhyped
Agreed that he is not even that good. R4ed him and put sig stones for prestige but does not feel exiting. Game reached his peak (unfortunately) anyway.
I can’t think of anything he does better than the rest of the tech class. If he was released right when Bishop was buffed then I’d understand the appeal, but fighting bishop isn’t intimidating anymore with most champs
RNGesus really loves you!
why is idoom so desired by you guys? is it because of his high prestige being #1 right now.