He’s only underwhelming if you have a big roster and don’t want to use anyone that isn’t “omega god tier super saiyan xD xD Roflcopter” tier. He’s very solid and has decent poison damage if you can maintain it. He doesn’t need another buff.
I could tell you the uses of antman, but since you don't seem to listen to others feedback in every other thread you have made, I'll just answer the title of your thread.
I like the fact that in the community, there'll always be some people to complain about things like this. It just add some equilibrium to the balance ( and no, he doesn't need a second buff, he's perfectly fine as he is).
I’m not trying to sound ignorant, but have you tried him? There are some people who feel it was underwhelming, but there are also people who thought it was quite good. Ultimately, whether or not he’s “useful” depends on your roster and whether or not you personally want to learn and invest in him. Personally, if I had a 6* I probably would rank him, he doesn’t need another buff.