How to get Zone 25 without Herc?

BigBusterBigBuster Member Posts: 294 ★★★
edited March 2023 in Strategy and Tips
I've been trying out champs to see who would work best for a long push, but it's been tough.

Anyone have experience doing a push w/o Herc?
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • AxewAxew Member Posts: 619 ★★★★
    I’ve seen it done with max sig Thing, but it’s usually in conjunction with a Herc. Maybe you could to push Zone 25 with just Thing, but you could very well get roadblocked if you have bad luck.
  • DerpyEagleDerpyEagle Member Posts: 782 ★★★★
    Has a paragon without even a 5* Herc it’s tough. I see others get very far with little to no effort with an r4 Herc. I however do have an r4 cgr and can get a lot done. Maybe heimdall will help with that clutch couple seconds. Idk I’m gonna keep trying I’ll let you know I’m trying a ton of methods. Btw the doc ock cheese is pretty limited and requires a duped doc I don’t recommend it for high zone floors.
  • DerpyEagleDerpyEagle Member Posts: 782 ★★★★
    Dave7099 said:

    I'd love to see a twitch stream of one of the devs attempting to get to 25 without herc

    I’d love to see this as well! No chance in hell without at least 4K units lol! A lot of content nowadays is Herc-gated.
  • flip3609sbroflip3609sbro Member Posts: 44
    No one talks about it but I believe Angela with Odin synergy can do it. Besides nasty mystic fights she can handle about anything else. Have yet to take her into lvl 6 yet but just had a run through lvl 5 where I cleared room 12 with a friend easily. Obvs would need to be a 6* though
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★

    No one talks about it but I believe Angela with Odin synergy can do it. Besides nasty mystic fights she can handle about anything else. Have yet to take her into lvl 6 yet but just had a run through lvl 5 where I cleared room 12 with a friend easily. Obvs would need to be a 6* though

    Can be rough if you get a node that gives defender power based on attacker buffs expiring.

    Dr. Zola
  • FrozenLoganFrozenLogan Member Posts: 45

    Ohhh that's so clever! @FrozenLogan
    That's the power drain hack in action right?

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