Ghost AI Funky Since Patch

I cannot be the only one that has noticed this. I searched the forum but did not see anything on it. Since this past patch when you phase with Ghost and wait for the defender to dash into your phase with a medium. Since the patch about 50% + of the time, the defender will take my hit, I will phase back, and instead of dashing in the defender will just throw a light right where he stands. Then dash in. Totally screwing up the timing of your next phase/attack. It is getting to the point of annoyance now. I want to do my Thunderbotls EOP run but now am worried that my Ghost will just eat a bunch of fists, instead of doing what she is supposed to. Anyone else notice this?? Thanks all!
Post edited by Kabam Spice on
This interaction is happening at least 50% of the time when ghost phases back. If you could pass this on to someone/anyone, I would be grateful. Thanks!
In addition sometimes when throwing a sp2 with ghost the AI dashes in and dashes back immediately causing the special to whiff and the defender punishes you
Our main focus needs to be on the growing list of things the AI is able to exploit with loosely governed fight mechanics that only it can exploit because of its computer precision, you know, like insta-launching specials in the middle our combos, launching specials whilst still in the animation recovery window after being knocked down, perfectly spacing heavies, specials and even light or medium attacks so they get the "lock on" effect and slide clear across the screen and smack you. THOSE (and many others) are the real issues we're facing right now to which Kabam have been silent despite the dozens of complaints from us.
I’ve seen the AI wait till your phase ends before dashing in. Sometimes after dashing in and throw light attack into your phase, they can dex your attack. I’ve seen numerous weird AI’s behaviour while playing Ghost.
I am not using ghost anymore besides arena