High time for increased inventory caps and percentage based health potions

With the upcoming changes to “revives farming”, that will lead to reduced availability of revives, combined with the limit on revives that is very low (especially team revives), high end content will be out of reach for most players.
It’s high time for 20 units lvl1 revives and percentage based health potions, to mitigate the huge increase in content cost and reduce the community frustration.
Revives caps should be doubled or tripled (30-45) or removed at all (including team revives), in order for players to be able to deal with high end content and high end BS, like Labyrinth/Abyss enrage timers.
In my opinion these changes are a must at this point, if Kabam proceed with the revive farm nerf, in order for the game to be playable.
It’s high time for 20 units lvl1 revives and percentage based health potions, to mitigate the huge increase in content cost and reduce the community frustration.
Revives caps should be doubled or tripled (30-45) or removed at all (including team revives), in order for players to be able to deal with high end content and high end BS, like Labyrinth/Abyss enrage timers.
In my opinion these changes are a must at this point, if Kabam proceed with the revive farm nerf, in order for the game to be playable.
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on