What are my chances?

MrlolzMrlolz Member Posts: 8
Moral of the story is I did 2 runs for zone 25, first run I got shafted by my own hack choice and the second run had awful node combinations on the bosses which resulted in both runs costing me 4k of units for complete failure which heavily annoyed me.

Then a couple of days later I ran into a noob asking for help on global with incursions, I obliged and offered to carry him. It then turned out he was in fact a modder disguising him self as a noob. Ik I should’ve straight up left but due to the bad incidents I already had with incursions the inner child in me decided to take advantage of the situation and he carried me to zone 25 and got me the legend title.

I heavily regretted this afterwards as all my account is 100% legit and practically f2p so I have now done a SOLO sector 6 zone 25 push and have proof of the run so there’s no doubt I have done a legit sector 6 zone 25 run so technically I have competed the necessary actions for the legends title and no one was affected by it and as you know this solo run gave me absolutely nothing in terms of rewards but just to prove I’ve done a legit 25 zone push.

So what do you think my chances are of keeping the title and avoiding any penalties?


  • ChatterofforumsChatterofforums Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    Sounds super SUS to me. Why would a noob modder be asking you to carry him? I really don't believe this story at all.
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,481 ★★★★★
    edited March 2023

    Sounds super SUS to me. Why would a noob modder be asking you to carry him? I really don't believe this story at all.

    The question that comes to my mind is why would you drop 4k units on failed runs and then offer to “carry” someone?

    OP, Kabam has stated clearly that part of their process with incursions is to not only look at modders, but to look at players that were carried by modders. You could try and get ahead of this by reaching out to support (because literally no one on the forums can do anything for you) and tell your story, but you stand at significant risk of not just removal of the title but also the possibility of a ban. You made the wrong choice here.
  • MrlolzMrlolz Member Posts: 8
    I wasn’t going to carry him to zone 25 lol, was gonna try zone 8 just to get him some rewards, I already contacted kabam and keep getting bot responses saying “my account is not under investigation” although I admitted to being carried
  • MrlolzMrlolz Member Posts: 8
    Already sent a second ticket and hoping to get a human response instead of a bot
  • XxLoOhNuTiCkxXXxLoOhNuTiCkxX Member Posts: 68
    "Penalties". You're good dude. As long as you don't go insane not playing for 7 days, you'll be back in no time. Congrats on the legends title.
  • MrlolzMrlolz Member Posts: 8

    Sounds super SUS to me. Why would a noob modder be asking you to carry him? I really don't believe this story at all.

    I created this discussion to get advice on my situation and get other peoples opinion on what kabam will do because rn this is my 3rd day of waiting for a proper response off them and I’m getting bored of waiting.
    I didn’t start this discussion to ask if I’m telling the truth or not. I don’t mind if people say I deserve a ban as technically I did cheat and I’ve owned up to it, but don’t accuse me of lying as your clearly mistaken. Idk why he disguised himself as a noob but I know this is how it happened.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,302 Guardian
    So at what point did you realize he was a modder? Zone 3, 8, 24? If I realized I was playing with a modder, I would have instantly left. Having a modder carry you results in all rewards you got that run getting stripped away, including legend title, and could even result in a permaban. If you aren't permabanned then another undecided penalty will be added to your account.
  • MrlolzMrlolz Member Posts: 8
    Pikolu said:

    So at what point did you realize he was a modder? Zone 3, 8, 24? If I realized I was playing with a modder, I would have instantly left. Having a modder carry you results in all rewards you got that run getting stripped away, including legend title, and could even result in a permaban. If you aren't permabanned then another undecided penalty will be added to your account.

    1st zone, I took the first fight, then he took the next fight and killed it in seconds with a 4* r1 so from then on it didn’t take me long to twig what was going on. Your right about getting my title and rewards stripped and a ban, but perm ban is a bit over the top I was only carried, I’ve heard tons of stories of people using mods that can complete as much content as they can and only get a week ban and keep the progress they made
  • MrlolzMrlolz Member Posts: 8
    Just got a reply from kabam on my second ticket, luckily this time I can see someone has actually read it and took all the points into consideration. But still no confirmation on whether my account will be punished or not so I’ll have to sit back and wait, thanks for all your opinions 👍
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,302 Guardian
    Mrlolz said:

    Pikolu said:

    So at what point did you realize he was a modder? Zone 3, 8, 24? If I realized I was playing with a modder, I would have instantly left. Having a modder carry you results in all rewards you got that run getting stripped away, including legend title, and could even result in a permaban. If you aren't permabanned then another undecided penalty will be added to your account.

    1st zone, I took the first fight, then he took the next fight and killed it in seconds with a 4* r1 so from then on it didn’t take me long to twig what was going on. Your right about getting my title and rewards stripped and a ban, but perm ban is a bit over the top I was only carried, I’ve heard tons of stories of people using mods that can complete as much content as they can and only get a week ban and keep the progress they made

    I'm just reiterating what kabam has said on their article regarding cheating in incursions.
  • MrlolzMrlolz Member Posts: 8
    Pretty sure that was for the 12k rating modders with legend titles who clearly doesn’t take the game seriously
  • MrlolzMrlolz Member Posts: 8
    Or people who have committed multiple offences of this kind
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