Please add a way to turn off hp percentage :)

I don't know if anyone else finds it distracting, but whenever I look at the HP bar I just get mesmerized watching it go down, I sound dumb I know. I think showing the percentage is useful but I'd love if there were a way to turn it off. I love everything else Kabam's been doing though.


  • SpiderGwenSpiderGwen Member Posts: 32
    From your friendly neighborhood spidergwen
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    I guess the question is, was this change in any of their release notes or did they just change it without informing anyone.
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    I guess the question is, was this change in any of their release notes or did they just change it without informing anyone.

    Was a last second thing
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  • GrimmbearGrimmbear Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    linux wrote: »
    SpiderGwen wrote: »
    I don't know if anyone else finds it distracting, but whenever I look at the HP bar I just get mesmerized watching it go down, I sound dumb I know. I think showing the percentage is useful but I'd love if there were a way to turn it off. I love everything else Kabam's been doing though.

    You'll (probably) get used to it -- it's novel, but that will pass. It's useful information to be able to see; new UIs generally take a bit of time to become comfortable. If it still feels impossible to ignore after a few weeks, that might be useful feedback though.

    Correct! The human eye is attracted to movement, but it can be "tuned out" over time. Like you said, give it some time
  • ss1100ss1100 Member Posts: 365
    Lolx yeah it actually did distracted me the 1st too.. n even now n again... Lolx... Weird... Yet it's actually gud info
  • SpinoSpino Member Posts: 241
    I play on my desk in from of my Mac with Line open. Anything distracts me more than the percentage. Hell, I sometimes play without even watching the game (for easier content or arenas) but when I'm on challenging parts, I just don't look at numbers or anything else than my adversary.
  • AquarDragon65AquarDragon65 Member Posts: 189
    I'm loving this innovation!!

    I saw this was something shown at NYC Comic Con and was highly regarded by fans there.

    It would have been in my Top 10 wishlist items!!

    Feels strange saying this but... Well Done Kabam!!!

    Now if they can bring back Bounty Missions and Vanquishing Blow Events (I loved those too!) then I will spend more real money on MCOC!!!

    Kabam might actually be listening to User Suggestions??!!



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