Havok path safe did not drop and the chest is no longer there

Okay so I did the havok path (2.5k 6* shards) day one and I did the path that gives 5k green crystal shards whatever they are, I did not get a safe to unlock, I then entered after the 5pm pst reset and the havok chest was gone and when I did the wasp path I did not get the chest, just 5k green garbage shards and I tried the void path and no safe to unlock the second key. At this point this event just feels like a filter because there a people who already have the second safe waiting for that code, while I've done 4 paths without getting the first safe to drop. You stated the safe would drop in the same place for everyone and it doesn't. It does not drop for everyone. What am I supposed to do now, just wait until I've done all of zone 1 and then have no way of getting into zone 2, 3, or 4? Come on guys, why couldn't you just put the safes in the store and release these hints weekly, it's truly mind boggling how u turn events like these into chores that are bugged beyond belief. On top of not being able to receive what feels like all of the community has been able to receive (chest on the havok path doesn't even exist for me anymore); the path exploration does not save.. great month........... smh......
Is there any official statement of kabam on this ?
2 key for the bug and is no end.
Ikaris path by Level 4 with 2000 6* is bugy.