Need help on grandmaster

I'm honestly tired of putting my units buying revives just so he can beat my a$$ up by getting me locked in a corner. I'm not much of a good player and honestly came this far cuz of hercs immortality (I didn't have to revives at all in many quests). Is there any good counter for him so I won't struggle this much? I'll upload my roster and I'm ready to max up any 5*s no matter how worse they are but good against gm. And how many units did it take yall on ur first try? 

Also should save min 1000 units for gm. That's around what I spent on gm
I used Doom and Juggernaut mostly (thought Juggs would counter the reverse controls but one time it just...didn' I just rolled with it), both unawakened.
Sometimes I'd revive and die before landing a single blow. Sometimes, I'd end up on a roll and take a massive chunk down. Sometimes you're gonna be lucky and in the groove, sometimes you won't.
I ended up not spending a single unit, but I psyched myself out so much in the leadup when it was really just a get in there and do it - cause doing it is the only way you're gonna get better at it - situation.
I just could not dodge his sp1, at all.
Had a couple of practice runs where I got him wounded a few times and thought how bad can it be?
So I farmed 2k units and some pots, took the lane that granted corvus 4 charges and thought, I'll try to get him wounded.
I took him to wounded, twice, but...both times with g2099, without prefight, so did almost no damage. I ended up using corvus to revive through 8m health. I'd revive, try to get to sp2, die, revive and try again.
He went down eventually. That was a few years ago and now I'm a paragon with 13 r4s, one R5, can take up 2 more to R4 and around 250 war MVPs.
What's the story here? With a heavy hitter and enough units, you can whittle down even the Grandmaster and that getting past him really opens up the game and progression.
You have herc.
With enough units/revives and 12 charges, maybe og black panther for unlockable specials synergy, if the worst comes to the worst, you could do the same. Get a few intercepts up for improved power gain, try to get to sp2, fire that off, die and try again. Guessing you can do 100k to 200k per revive, even without taking him to wounded. Especially with unlockable when immortality comes in.
If you get his flow down and can get him to wounded a few times, then it'll be a lot faster.
Do you have Heimdall?
I just could not dodge his sp1, at all.
Had a couple of practice runs where I got him wounded a few times and thought how bad can it be?
So I farmed 2k units and some pots, took the lane that granted corvus 4 charges and thought, I'll try to get him wounded.
I took him to wounded, twice, but...both times with g2099, without prefight, so did almost no damage. I ended up using corvus to revive through 8m health. I'd revive, try to get to sp2, die, revive and try again.
He went down eventually. That was a few years ago and now I'm a paragon with 13 r4s, one R5, can take up 2 more to R4 and around 250 war MVPs.
What's the story here? With a heavy hitter and enough units, you can whittle down even the Grandmaster and that getting past him really opens up the game and progression.
You have herc.
With enough units/revives and 12 charges, maybe og black panther for unlockable specials synergy, if the worst comes to the worst, you could do the same. Get a few intercepts up for improved power gain, try to get to sp2, fire that off, die and try again. Guessing you can do 100k to 200k per revive, even without taking him to wounded. Especially with unlockable when immortality comes in.
If you get his flow down and can get him to wounded a few times, then it'll be a lot faster.
Woah i never thought about that! But the problem is hercs burst dmg doesnt work on him sadly. If it is for that i wouldve already won anyway
Juggs for reverse controls.