Is it a dream? Am i hallucinating?



  • JRAWESJRAWES Member Posts: 73
    MasterA said:

    So do we lose our champs we got?

    It's likely that they will remove the champs and reverse the pulls.
  • Yash_kakkarYash_kakkar Member Posts: 7
    What will happen if those who have opened 6* crystal from shards recived from purchasing bundle 1, say I opened 2 crystal, will my account have -20000 shards written in 6* crystal menu or champs i got will be taken back
  • Yash_kakkarYash_kakkar Member Posts: 7
    What will happen if those who have opened 6* crystal from shards recived from purchasing bundle 1, say I opened 2 crystal, will my account have -20000 shards written in 6* crystal menu or champs i got will be taken back
  • PpurpleIIPpurpleII Member Posts: 20
    Yes, this offer is game-breaking. But it is their mistake. The game economy has already been ruined. And now people who were there are miles higher than the people that missed out. 7* champs are coming out in a few weeks. The 6* economy is not as crucial for their sales. This will motivate people to buy small offers that would buy nothing. This would incentivize people to actually spend money for the first time. Nerfing the offer into the ground will only anger more people. If there is a loss of profit, then you have to accept it as a blunder and move on.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    my free four from the email
    this is an insanely great deal

    well at least i can say i had a claire
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    MasterA said:

    Please don’t remove champs.
    I got Spot and hulkling

    They wont remove champs. They never have.
    Shards they can remove.
  • MasterAMasterA Member Posts: 588 ★★★
    Thank god
  • MasterAMasterA Member Posts: 588 ★★★
    However they shouldn’t remove champs. It is their fault this happened and people have to pay
  • Heisenberg750Heisenberg750 Member Posts: 101
    What is bubble booble pass ?? How to get it ??
  • SycosaulSycosaul Member Posts: 2
    they will make it like you never bought the bundle or opened those crystals, if you ranked them up, the iso and gold will be refunded too
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    edited April 2023

    Really curious what kabam will do now. It’s really unfortunate that this happened but it led to an advantage for those who were able to buy it.

    Let the offer remain as it is - it’s messed up but own up to your mistakes. 7* are almost here anyway. Let players have fun once

    This is a mistake of huge proportions than anything before.
  • Benjygl5nBenjygl5n Member Posts: 34
    i hope we dont lose champs i just pulled infamous iron man and awakend him
  • ComicsRegenComicsRegen Member Posts: 11
    I used 120 units, enough gold to r2 a six-star, energy refills, a six-star awakening gem, six-star rank-up gems, enough catalysts to r2 a six-star mystic, and of course Bobble Baubles. All of these were used to rank up the six-star rinrah I got from the TB bundle one. Now will all of it will be gone including the champs I got from the event? There better be massive compensation if all of it will be taken away.

  • Loki_Poki1280Loki_Poki1280 Member Posts: 514 ★★★
    I impulse bought the Bundle. I bought 3. I opened 2 featured 6 star crystals. Duped my Idoom and Mordo. I was stoked. Went looking for a F2P way to get more baubles. Couldn't find the solo objective. Went to yt. No info. Went to Global Chat. Finds out it was a bug. Starts to Panic. Comes to forum. Says shards will be clawed back. Relief. Remembers that already opened my Crystals. Remembers there are NEGATIVE UNITS. Scared. Terrified. idk, id probably leave the game if I get negative units.
    BACK STORY TO NEGATIVE UNITS: I bought a unit bundle once years ago. my parents didn't like that i spent money on the game ( i was 15). Asked to get it refunded. They refunded it. But i was in negative units. and needed up spending the REFUNDED money to get myself out of negative units.

    Hope my account doesn't get banned or anything. Maybe reverse account progressions to like 9:59 AM (before the blowout) this morning or something? me scared for my account :s
  • PpurpleIIPpurpleII Member Posts: 20

    Really curious what kabam will do now. It’s really unfortunate that this happened but it led to an advantage for those who were able to buy it.

    Let the offer remain as it is - it’s messed up but own up to your mistakes. 7* are almost here anyway. Let players have fun once

    Exactly what I am saying. With 7* champs coming out why not let more people have the 6* champs they want (or get luckily/unluckily from the crystal)
  • Darth_StewieDarth_Stewie Member Posts: 390 ★★★
    That's a bunch of bs what they are doing! I was just about to purchase it but then they took it away. If they don't bring it back looking the way it did then I won't spend a dime on any of it.
  • Sairam44Sairam44 Member Posts: 634 ★★
    They should not take champs back negative shards seem like a better option
  • asismanasisman Member Posts: 16
    They will roll it back but Kabam does not have the best history of making their mistakes right. I remember in platpool island they were banning people for their own mistake instead of just rolling everything back.
  • ComicsRegenComicsRegen Member Posts: 11
    Sairam44 said:

    They should not take champs back negative shards seem like a better option

    I'm going to be in -80,000 shards then :'(
  • Sairam44Sairam44 Member Posts: 634 ★★
    They should not do that if they do that they should guarantee my next crystals that i open will be of same order
  • _DarthPikachu__DarthPikachu_ Member Posts: 14
    I hope we find out something soon. i was literally looking at the offer and had added 6 bundle 1s and went to purchase them and my game just kept loading and then closed out. Then when i got back on the bundle was gone and i had no shards. some of ny alliance mates opened 20+ 6* crystals
  • Sairam44Sairam44 Member Posts: 634 ★★
    No just no
  • asismanasisman Member Posts: 16
    Gwenpool need to use the time stone
  • AshacekarAshacekar Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Oh so that definitely wasn't a dream, my post went popular nice. As long as i m keeping the champs that's all good. They also increased my 7* shards in the process as well to 8.25k. Glad to be lucky and thanks Kabam again. Feeling more lucky and blessed than the twitch winners. 😇
  • asismanasisman Member Posts: 16
    U wont get banned because they only ban if u take advantage of their mistake when its an obvious mistake like letting someone get 300 units infinite amount of times on an event quest. I thought the 10k was legit and kabam was being nice but I was wrong. Now Gwenpool needs to use the time stone to refund everyones bubbles, give everyone the offer, and then revert the random seeding to give everyone the same pulls.
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