About the 10k shards

To everyone complaining that players get to keep the rewards, y’all are just mad that you couldn’t take advantage of it yourself.
If you were on the other end, if you did get those rewards. Would you see it the same way? Would you be pushing for the rewards to be removed?
No. No you wouldn’t. Yeah it’s a messy situation, and kabam screwed up (as per usual). But there would be just as much, if not more backlash from them deciding to remove the rewards.
If you were on the other end, if you did get those rewards. Would you see it the same way? Would you be pushing for the rewards to be removed?
No. No you wouldn’t. Yeah it’s a messy situation, and kabam screwed up (as per usual). But there would be just as much, if not more backlash from them deciding to remove the rewards.
Obviously, they're upset.
Especially for F2P and growing/plateau-ed accounts, this is a VERY big discrepancy. Say you could buy a croissant for $10. But someone else could buy that same croissant for $1. And they bought 10, and kept themselves satiated for days, while for the same amount you were only satiated for a couple hours. Now...this is a bad analogy please don't take it literally.
But it's obvious that the disparity is huge!
If I'm at a progress level where I can only gain enough shards to open maybe one 6* a month and another peer is in the literal exact same boat as me: started around the same time, same amount of low/no spending, general same level of champions/story progression, and they were able to open up 10 6* heroes, while for the same amount of resources I was only able to open 1 6* hero, due to a glitch and their incredibly lucky narrow window, I'd be very upset with the company. And considering how the RNG aspect of the game already screws a lot of people over - but it all balances out in the end cause its randomized and everyone has the same RNG - it's suddenly not fair when my peer had 10 times the opportunities I did to draw game-changing champs or dupe them.
Otherwise I'd have 10 shiny new 6* champions lol
The Gwenpool store is not a competition. Sure, you can argue that everything affects the other competitive elements of the game, but then all spending puts all non-spenders at a dissadvantage. You have to accept that or go find another game. And every time Kabam gives something away of any significant value, that's also offering a competitive advantage. They gave away all sorts of very valuable stuff at Comicon, back when they attended Comicon. If every time they allowed a small group of players to gain something nice for free that would be called out as a "bad take" that would mean they couldn't do things like promotionals and giveaways anymore. That's ludicrous.
It was a mistake. It was certainly not a deliberate mistake, as Kabam gains nothing from it. A few players gained something from that mistake through no malfeasance of their own. In this case, Kabam is going to let the error stand. That's it. If people want to complain that they don't like it that a few players of the game managed to gain more stuff than intended in a non zero-sum situation (for example, a competitive environment where one player ascending automatically causes other players to explicitly decline) that's their prerogative, but I doubt they are going to get more than a tiny minority of malcontents to join them in that particular protest. Everyone else is going to see that as the very rare case where a few lucky players managed to get Christmas early this year, and good for them.
"Competitive disadvantage for alliance spots?" It has been a while since I've been anywhere near the competitive alliance world, but I didn't realize there was so much smoke and fire around alliances packing themselves with second tier progression players.
The first point about 7* is a moot point considering 20 6* = a boatload of 7* shards, so they're essentially getting a 1/4 to 1/2 of a 7* for free anyway.
Your second point was about spending and giveaways, except not allowing people an equal opportunity to get the bundle (unlike spending or entering giveaways) completely nullifies that point too. Many people never had an OPTION.
Your third point is a straight-up strawman. No one is saying Kabam did it on purpose. Good talk.
And the whole 'non zero-sum situation' point applies equally well to even negative aspects of the game, such as modders. There are an infinite amount of trophy tokens available, so modding in BGs leads to non zero-sum situations too. But tell that to people who missed out on a top spot because of modders, see how well it goes down with them. AKA another moot point.
And for your final point, yes, a competitive game exists outside of the top 5 alliances, both in BGs and AW/AQ. Shocking, I know.
So what you're essentially saying is, "it's up to Kabam, get @#?@ed". Understood. Condense your words next time.
No one who got extra shards is going to be so much more powerful over people who didn't to cause a dent in whatever competitive environment that you're referring to.
What if they opened 3 featureds and got Mr sinister, OG Daredevil etc...
Y'all really love exaggerating situations to the point of delusion.
What if they got 13 new chips and 7 basics from 20 basics?
We can the hypothetical game all day long if you want.
What’s the difference between this situation, and spenders vs ftp?
People who spend regularly will always have an unfair advantage. Most people who are ftp (myself included) don’t have the opportunity to just buy something when it comes up. That in itself creates an unfair advantage
But they didn’t work hard for those shards you might say. No, but did the spenders work hard for their rewards? Also no.
This situation is nothing new, and it will always happen.
If they could have, they would have. They said they were going to initially.