BWCV interaction bug with MD

Device and Version: iPhone 13 Pro
Device Operating System: iOS 16.3
Mobile Carrier: Verizon
Cellular or WiFi: Both? Haven’t tested but doesn’t seem specific to connection
Game Version Installed: 38.2.0
Game Mode: AW and Story Quests so far, imagine it is in all game modes
Champions Affected: BWCV
Active Boosts: None
Description of the Issue: The issue with BWCV is her interaction with MD after throwing a sp2 against champs who have buffs. Prior to this bug she would gain power from every buff “removed” from the opponent going buff immune, for every sp2 launched while the opponent has buffs. Now she only gets that from the first sp2 launched in a fight. After the first sp2, even if the opponent has buffs when launching another sp2, she does not gain power from those buffs “expiring” with the application of a buff immunity debuff.
I initially encountered this in aw probably about a week ago against gorr. Just chalked it up to the game being buggy. I encountered it again this evening against superskrull in act 8.2.2, and realized the interaction was not performing right.
Device Operating System: iOS 16.3
Mobile Carrier: Verizon
Cellular or WiFi: Both? Haven’t tested but doesn’t seem specific to connection
Game Version Installed: 38.2.0
Game Mode: AW and Story Quests so far, imagine it is in all game modes
Champions Affected: BWCV
Active Boosts: None
Description of the Issue: The issue with BWCV is her interaction with MD after throwing a sp2 against champs who have buffs. Prior to this bug she would gain power from every buff “removed” from the opponent going buff immune, for every sp2 launched while the opponent has buffs. Now she only gets that from the first sp2 launched in a fight. After the first sp2, even if the opponent has buffs when launching another sp2, she does not gain power from those buffs “expiring” with the application of a buff immunity debuff.
I initially encountered this in aw probably about a week ago against gorr. Just chalked it up to the game being buggy. I encountered it again this evening against superskrull in act 8.2.2, and realized the interaction was not performing right.
I know it couldn’t be the nodes as I’ve taken a hulkling a long time ago as a boss with bwcv, and her powergain was normal. Gonna get to record all my fights with her until I can get the boogeyman to come back lol