Battlegrounds connections

Mooro85Mooro85 Member Posts: 32
I hate to be a moaner, but battlegrounds is unplayable. Today, again, connection issues. I couldn’t select my attacker, I couldn’t play the first match so I lost, then when on to round 2 and somehow I have used 4 attackers in the first round and they can’t be selected. It’s not my connection.

This must be addressed Kabam.


  • Mooro85Mooro85 Member Posts: 32

  • QuickstarQuickstar Member Posts: 18
    You guys need to get your server and connection issues together. I literally went into a Battlegrounds battle after playing the side quest and then all of a sudden there is connectivity issues even though I was playing 30 minutes prior to it’s no issues. It’s very tiresome that the game has gone down hill since inputs have been a major issue. The connectivity issues cost me a legit BG win. The issues wouldn’t let me pick a champion and auto picked someone else who I didn’t want as a defender. Don’t tell me to check my Wi-Fi everything else connected was fine. I checked in real time the download and upload speeds. If I were to restart the game as you say, it would have been an automatic loss. So what are you doing to fix the constant connectivity issues that always pop up and never go away?!
  • QuickstarQuickstar Member Posts: 18

    lit<img src="

    I just tried another match up. Connection icons came up immediately. Could barely pick any champs in the line. Couldn’t pick defenders and then the 2nd round didn’t load so the match didn’t even count for the daily objectives.
  • ØmegåØmegå Member Posts: 23
    Just wish they would say the BGs servers are jacked and they are working on a fix as fast as possible.
  • ajnaddoajnaddo Member Posts: 5
    Massive Problems In Battlegrounds For Me Too.Auto Select Champions in Deck And Aoto Select When Fighting.Massive Lagging As Well And Takes Ages To Load Game Content.So The Question Is Will I Play Battlegrounds?He'll No,The Data Is Out There.More and More People Are Loosing Intrest In Playing Because Of All These Issues.
  • Jhonatan07Jhonatan07 Member Posts: 7
    Bags is unplayable ,
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